Page 45 of Admittedly For Me
“I arrived just in time, then.” Savannah laughs, and I can’t fight the calmness her smile and easy laughter brings me. “You had me pick you up for the pottery class, then didn’t want me to drive you back.”
“Why did you ask Mr. Melanson for a drive? Did you make a little stop at his sexy neighbor’s?” She wiggles her eyebrows.
“It wasn’t likethat.” I shrug, annoyed at her happy spirit. “You’ve been extra chipper for someone who caught their boyfriend cheating. Doing a lot better than I was, that’s for sure.”
“I have my moments of sadness. But I acknowledge them and have a good cry.” Her voice wavers. “And, yes, it sucks, but I’ll be okay.” She regains strength. “Teaching dance has been keeping me busy, and watching Tyler’s daughter has been fun.”
“I’m glad you’re healing.” I tilt my head back with a groan. “But why do you have to be so interested in my whereabouts?”
“You used to be a bubbly open book, and since your engagement ended, you’ve become even more closed off,” Savannah states simply.
“I’m not that closed off,” I answer, void of all emotion.
Hallie’s signature knock taps on the door, and a second later, her head pokes inside. A wide smile paints her face as she joins the crowd on the couch, leaving the door open. Justin and Ian slowly followed behind. I shouldn’t hate the comfort Ian brings me, but I still can’t face grieving.
“I forgot you left your recipe notebook in my purse.” She hands it over. “When you didn’t answer my call, I got worried. So here I am.”
“You felt the need to bring dumb and dumber along with you for the delivery?” I wince, feeling guilty that my sharp tongue has been the recent defense mechanism. “Sorry.” I’m in such a weird place in my head. “Why has my place always been the local meetup?”
“You’re just that special,” Savannah chimes in. “We’re glad you’re back.”
“I love having this house full again.” Quinn smiles, standing up. “It’s been really quiet with just Carson and I here.”
“I wouldn’t put any emphasis on thequietpart.” I laugh and glance up at her. “You still wonder why I am always tired?”
My aunt’s face flushes as everyone’s eyes zone in on her direction. “At least I’m not sexually frustrated.” She tosses her hands in the air. “We are leaving at five, Em. Long gowns are required, and I added a plus one with your name ahead of time.” She turns, heading up the stairs. “You girls need to stop by more often again. Like the old days.”
“I don’t want to go to this hospital thing tonight,” I admit, running a hand through my hair. Ian’s questioning look shoots my way.
“Crap. I forgot that it was tonight.” Hallie bites her lip, mouth pursing. “I swore that it was next week.”
“Me too.” I sigh, but honestly, I didn’t pay attention.I was hoping it would pass without anyone noticing.
“Justin picked up shift at his bar, and I already agreed to meet with a client,” Hallie says, concern clear in her tone. “I’ll cancel and go with you.”
“Don’t,” I say a little too loud. “I’m not staying long. I really only need to show my face during the stupid rope cutting for the wing.” I feel my pulse in my ears.
“Okay…but call and let me know if you change your mind.”She sighs, sharing a look with Savannah, and they back down.
“Take Ian as a plus one.”Savannah’s smile grows. “He did work on the project with Rhett.”
“Actually,” Justin chimes in. “Ian has a date. Which I forgot to ask who it was with.” Hallie’s head whips toward Ian with a glare.
“I don’t need company,” I quickly add, hoping Ian gets the hint that tonight is canceled for us. I guess our dinner meal andhookupwill be postponed. “I’m an adult. I can handle a few hours of handshakes and free champagne.”
“Emery,” Hallie warns. “You and alcohol need a break.” She’s right. I’d been doing really well with that until last night. And tonight, well, disassociating from the hospital event would be nice. But I’m trying to make small changes. A meditation class tomorrow afternoon might do the trick.
“I’ll be your plus one.” Ian draws everyone’s attention. “My date wasn’t anything serious. I’m pretty sure she only likes me for my charming face.” He wiggles his eyebrows with a sinful grin.
“And probably that flirty side smirk,” I reply before I can stop myself.
“Emery, do you have a gown to wear?” Hallie's eyes light up.Here we go. “I have the perfect––”
“With all the events this town holds,” I cut her off, “I’m sure there is something in my closet I can make due with.”
“We better get Ian home to change.” Hallie gives up, nodding to the door.