Page 77 of Admittedly For Me
“Everything is looking great on paper.”I smile over FaceTime as spreadsheets fill up my kitchen table. “I love the 3D designs Tori emailed as well.”
“You know, she came into town ready to work.” Rhett’s eyes hold a hint of admiration. “I didn’t explain this secret side project before she agreed to work overtime.” He shakes his head. “I only opened with ‘a friend of mine needs help.’”
“I think she’s going to fit in well.” My hand covers my mouth as a yawn takes over. This second week in Aspen has allotted no more than three to four hours of sleep each night, but I’m welcoming it with open arms. Leasing a building and getting a business set up in a short time frame has been chaotic. I’m so thankful for the bank and everyone working so hard to help me get my new bistro ready. My laser focus has had me temporarily halt me reaching out to anyone besides my work team. Rhett’s face softens, reading my guiltymissing Ianface.
“It’s been a crazy time for you.” We haven’t spoken much beyond business plans. “How are you feeling about all of this?”
“I feel like I am no longer scared of doing the things that will help me.” I smile, and it’s finally not weighted with pain. “I’m on the right path and confident enough to begin another chapter of life.”
“We are doing everything we can to have things ready for when you’ve finished training your replacement.” He clears his throat. “I’m proud of you. But please give Ian a call. The man’s been trying to keep busy and not talk about what you could possibly be doing at random moments in the day.”
“I will. I feel bad for keeping this from him, but I want the moment he realizes I’m back in town for good to be perfect.”
“I can keep him busy for the next few days. We still need to get a few things built for you.” His eyes narrow in on something off to the side as he scans up and down. Clearly distractible at this moment, he readjusts his hat and blinks back to focusing on the screen.
“It doesn’t have to be perfect, Rhett. Coming home to freshly painted walls is enough.” I don’t expect the designs to be put into action right away.
“Oh yes, it does.” Tori’s voice comes through the phone. “Hello, Emery.” Was that Rhett’s distraction?
“Hey, girl!” My voice becomes chipper as she walks into the frame. Rhett stiffens as she places her hand on the table, leaning over to see me. “I owe you an extra fancy meal on top of your pay for this.” I bite back a smirk, never seeing Rhett fight to keep his eyes off a woman.
“I can’t wait. I am no cook.” She laughs, nodding toward Rhett as her curls brush his face. “Whoops, sorry,” she apologizes, and he sits back, swallowing thickly. “Rhett does most of the cooking for us.”
I wonder if Ian is picking up on the tension.
“I appreciate your hard work,” I say, glancing at the time. “I have another therapy session, and then need to head to work.” I attempt to make eye contact with Rhett through the screen. “And I’ll call Ian.”
“See you soon, Emery.” Tori waves with a bright smile before hanging up.
My therapy session ended in tears once again. Emotionally exhausted is an understatement, but I’ve got years of tears that need to fall. The kitchen ran smoothly tonight, and I didn’t need to step in. My replacement should be good without me, which means heading home is only days away. My heavy weight of missing Ian is almost at the end. I can’t wait to be in his arms. It’s just after eleven here, but I pull out my phone. It goes to voicemail and my heart sinks. But I don’t expect him to answer at one in the morning his time.
I’m wired with adrenaline, and being alone in my apartment just isn’t what I need right now. I bundle up and walk across the street. Entering the cozy log cabin style lounge of the Wheaton Hotel, I take a seat at the bar. Clyde, my friend, who only this past summer I decided to hook up with on occasion, greets me. I’m surprised I haven’t run into him yet, with Aspen being a small town, and us both being night owls.
“I heard you were back in town.” He nods as his cool and relaxed attitude calms me.
“Let me guess, Josie?” His eyes squint, and I can’t fight the small blush on my cheeks. I had a thing for Chad Michael Murray back in the day, and Clyde could pass as his brother.
“Yeah, but she didn’t fill me in how your trip home was.” He reaches under the counter and sets a shot glass in front of me. “The usual?”
“Just a water is fine, actually.” Raising his eyebrows, he smiles with approval. “Looks like your hometown did you some good.”
“Boy, do I have a lot to catch you up on.” I spend the next little bit filling him in on the last month in between customers.
“Em, you need to leave as soon as you can.” He folds his hands in front of me. “I’m happy for you. Good for you for finally taking initiative and facing everything.”
“Am I crazy, though?” I lean forward. “It took a month, and all I want is him for the rest of my life.” I know what I want, and I’m finally going for it, but my heart races as I begin to question my sanity for how fast this all happened. “Am I moving too fast?”
“It wasn’t a month, Emery. It was years in the making.” His gaze rests on the water glass. “I’d like to have a woman gush about me one day.” His comment takes me by surprise, because Clyde has never given a one-woman vibe. He’s perfected the hipster bartender who lives as a ski bum, and fucks all the tourists. He pushes back on the counter, arms full extended, and laughs at my expression. “I know, I know. But I don’t want this style for the rest of my life. It's time I grow up.”
“That’s quite the epiphany.” He nods in agreeance, running a hand through his hair. “Hey, ski season is coming up, and you know the town hires a lot more employees. Maybe you’ll meet someone.”
“Maybe. You look exhausted, but there’s a different spark to you.” He studies me. “There’s this softness to your face that wasn’t there before. An innocence.”
“I suppressed shit for way too long.” My teeth tug on my lip. “I should have started therapy years ago.”
“Or it wasn’t the right time. Things seem to be lining up for you now.” I shrug, but can’t help but wonder where life would have taken me years ago. I probably would have been happy, but maybe not with Ian, and that also pains me. “I’m sorry, Emery.” Clyde snaps me back into focus. “I know you and I both have our issues, but I should have been the guy to have you acknowledge how closed off you are, not take advantage of your body.” He pours himself a shot.
“Hey, you didn’t take advantage. I put it out there.” He shakes his head, still holding slight regret as he clinks his shot glass with my water.