Page 23 of Blurry Little Lines
“She is just a friend, Lauren. We didn’t do anything besides the normal,” I mumble, quite impressed by how we clicked back to being just friends like nothing happened.
“I don’t understand why.” She lies back and sighs. “It’s clear she’s attracted to you.”
“Believe me, I know.” My face squints, hoping I didn’t say that out loud.
“Well, yeah, Mallory just told us.” I feel my face ease with relief.
“Oh, right,” I say as Lauren sits up from the towel, fully committed to this conversation. Dammit, how does this blonde trip me up so bad with staying aloof.
“What do you mean,oh, right? Are you telling me there is more than the pathetic light flirting I’ve witnessed between you two?” I look out to the water and fold my arms as if it will get her off my back. “There is! What solidified her attraction, Max?”
“I don’t remember you ever being this annoying.” I keep my voice flat and bored.
“A lot happens once you let your guard down and learn to let people in.” Lauren shrugs, and I have to admit that I’m proud of everything she has overcome. “Plus, I called you two a thing from the start.”
“We are not a thing. Her validated attraction is not my place to share.” I see Kelsie and Adam walking back. “That’s something she can share on a wine and girls’ night.”
“Ugh, fine.” We remain quiet until Adam hands her ice cream. “Thank you.” She grins at the cup of ice cream that’s more like a soup now from the heat.
“I want ice cream!” Mallory runs over.
“We will get some at home. It’s too hot. Look how melted Lauren’s is.” Kelsie brushes sand off her daughter’s cheek.
“Yeah, my girlfriend is a weirdo and only eats melted ice cream, so this works.” Adam’s face twists as he judges Lauren’s weird obsession.
“Let’s go.” Mallory pulls her mom’s hand. “Max is still sleeping at our place tonight, right?”
“For the next little bit, yes.” Kelsie laughs. “Woah, that’s the best sand tower ever. Did you build that?”
“No, Max did.” Mallory smiles my way. “Max built most of it with only his hands!”
“He can do some pretty sweet things with his hands, can’t he.” Kelsie smiles and keeps her gaze locked on her daughter.
She’s either amazing at sublimity, or she’s innocent enough that the comment went over her head. I don’t have to look beside me to know Lauren is bursting with a dire need to get answers. Her leg bounces as she continuously looks between me and Kelsie to check for any flirty glances or hints. Kelsie remains quiet while folding her chair without acknowledging anything.
“My body can’t handle it.” Kelsie pants as she squats in front of me with a weighted vest.
“Trust me, it can,” I encourage her. “Do the last one properly, or I’ll add another.” Her breathing is labored, but she listens, and I’m impressed she was able to do the extra squat.
“When did you get so bossy?” She sits on the floor, trying to lift the vest over her head.
Ha. Darling, you have no idea.
“You did great tonight, Kels. I’m proud of your determination.” I help her lift the vest over her head and set it on the living room coffee table. “Your body is capable of handling things you never knew possible.” I add slight seduction to the last sentence, hoping she will respond with a similar reaction as she did on the rooftop the other night. Because, damn, I want to taste more than just her lips.
She stands and rolls her shoulders back, and I hear them crack. “I need to have a shower.” Lifting her tank top, she removes it completely, and fans herself standing in a sports bra and leggings. “I’m beyond exhausted too. Monday and Tuesday were draining, as you witnessed.” They were. Between Mallory’s swim meet and unexpected overtime with work, Kelsie hasn’t stopped since the day we left the beach.
“Go have a shower, and then I’ll give you a shoulder massage.” Her brown eyes go wide with glee to match her smile.
I clean up the workout gear as she showers, then make Kelsie her favorite night time tea; boiling water with frozen strawberries and honey. For the hell of it, I grab a handful of fresh strawberries to put in a small dish and set them on the coffee table.
As I sit on the large round chair, I silently talk to my dick about staying in control when my hands meet Kelsie’s skin. This isn’t going anywhere besides massaging out a few knots. Though, I’d like to tighten a knot or two around her. Control, Max. Dammit. The kiss we shared the other night has kept me up too many hours each night. Kissing women has never been a big deal. They all kiss differently, and I’m not one for an emotional connection. But there was something about that moment, the push and pull, the innocence of how it started… I never thought something as innocent as a kiss could leave me so entranced. Especially to a woman who needs to stay out of reach.
I busy my mind by looking over my schedule for tomorrow and Friday, until Kelsie pokes her head out of her bedroom. The one place in this house I have never stepped foot in. One, because that’s her private space, and second, my thoughts would run too wild knowing the room hosts her high heels, lingerie, and sex toys. I need control, and I doubt I’d have much of it through that door.
“Do you want me to sit out there?” Kelsie questions with a soft, unsure voice.
“If you want to. I made you tea.” Her lips purse in debate.