Page 25 of Blurry Little Lines
“Are you ever out of your head for a minute?” I swear she has an inner monologue reel that never shuts up about analyzing every little detail. “The moment was memorable and not awkward.”
“It was a pretty hot moment.” Though it’s a dim light, I see her cheeks blush. “I am glad we were able to act like it didn’t happen the past few days. I won’t let myself risk feeling anything more.” She takes a sip of her boiled strawberries, and I watch her mind work through her next sentence. “No guy has ever made my body feel that way.”
Fuck me.I internally groan.
“That was barely even a sample.” I didn’t mean to speak out loud, but this woman has been making me lose control lately.
“Well, I thoroughly enjoyed having a taste of what being careless feels like for the firstandlast time in my life.” Kelsie puts the mug down and sets the ring on her nightstand. “I should probably get to bed. My brain needs a break from life.”
“It’s not careless if it felt right,” I say and stand, making my way to leave. “I know I still crave the moment wedidn’tshare.” Leaning against the doorframe, I let my eyes travel up and down her body.
“Stop. You just turned me down for a good reason,” Kelsie says in one breath. “I shouldn’t enjoy being careless with my best friend. My kids need you as a constant in their lives, and you and I can’t afford to get messy.”
I want to tell her how messy I know we could make her bed sheets. I zone in on her nightstand and wonder if that’s where she keeps her little buzzing goodies. Instantly, I want to know how wet I could make her with my fingers and tongue, and what noises her pretty mouth makes. I’m a breath away from suggesting how we should have fun while we can. We are on the same page with relationships. I can help Kelsie blow off steam in a way we both can enjoy. I value our friendship as much as her and know we can’t afford to lose it. That’s not exactly what she needs to heal, but it would be fun.
Holding her entrancing gaze, I squeeze my dick to readjust myself, which causes her lips to part, and her chest rises with a small gasp. I smirk and head back to my room, wishing she would follow.
“Goodnight, half pint.” I purposely use this nickname she’s been hating lately.
Chapter 11
“That man has one heck of a nerve to still reach out to you, Kelsie.” My mother shakes her head in disgust. “Does this happen often?”
“The odd time when he is in town.” I stare at the message on my phone, then over to my son playing with cars on the floor. “Part of me still feels a bit guilty if I don’t respond.”
“Kelsie, I raised you better than that. You either don’t respond or you can tell Benson to fuck off.” I nod, blackening my phone screen. As I pick up my coffee, I realize I just heard my mother swear for the first time in my life. “That man terminated his rights and had a final farewell with the children. Do you really think he can just waltz back over here because he is in town for the night?” Her soft socialite demeanor I’m used to has vanished.
“They are still his kids.” My gut twists, spewing a cocktail of sorrow and hate toward my ex-husband.
“Benson took legal steps to terminate his children from his life. You gave him many options, Kelsie. Do not put your children through another goodbye from their father.”
“I won’t. He just wanted to see them for fifteen minutes after some presentation.” I can’t wait until the divorce is finalized, so I can cut off all contact for good. I could do that now, but part of me can’t bring my fingers to remove his name from my cell phone.
“The nerve of him.” My mother quietly sighs with disgust. “How has it been with the new roommate?” Raising her eyebrows with a smile, I wonder if she’s fishing for anything.
“It’s not much different from before. Max is pretty helpful with the kids, as usual.” I shrug and clear my throat. “Except now, he walks through his bedroom door instead of the front door at night.”
“Well, I am glad he isn’t acting like another child for you.”
“He and Adam are no longer teenagers I have to spy on for you, Mother. Max is a grown man,” my annoyed voice defends him.
“A grown man, he is.” Her lips tip up in a mischievous smile. “Must I add how him switching to full time with personal training has really bulked him up the past few months.”
“Yeah, and I am slowly getting fit again. What’s your point?” She smirks, taking a sip from her coffee, and changes the subject.
“Do you have a dress ready for the gala on Saturday, my dear?”Crap, I’ve been too busy to care about what I’m wearing.“I have a gown set aside for you. I know you’re busy with work and the children.” She smiles, and even though I am an adult, it’s still nice to let others take care of certain things for me.
“Thank you.” I smile before we make our way over to James’s car mat and play with him.
I enjoy my days off, being able to have one-on-one time with James. Mallory and I go to swim meets, while whatever family member is available stays and spends time with James. We stayed at my mom’s a while longer before I walked the few blocks to pick Mallory up from school.
Lauren meets me on our rooftop pool that afternoon with bittersweet news.
“I’m so happy for you two!” I smile, leaning back on the rooftop pool steps. “I will miss having you so close, though.”
“Agreed.” Lauren holds James at arm’s length as he kicks his feet to swim. “This new house is Adam’s pride and joy. He is very excited to have a garden and bonfires.”