Page 34 of Blurry Little Lines
The door opens as Max enters and smiles at my mom. “Hey, Helen.”
“Max, my dear.” She smiles sweetly as her eyes soften. He’s still clearly her favorite out of all her children. “How has work been treating you?”
“Great, so far. I had a cancellation, so I figured I’d come back here before my next client in an hour.” He’s sweaty in a fitness tank top, and I try to keep my eyes from staring too long at his arm muscles on display.
“Kelsie must enjoy the extra pair of hands around here.” There she goes, reverting to talking as if I’m not here.
“Do you appreciate my hands?” Max smirks, and I tune back into the moment as he catches me off guard.
“They work for the time being.” I clear my throat and send out a silent prayer that my cheeks are not red. “You should go shower. You’re not sitting on my furniture all sweaty. It’s gross.” He holds my eyes for a little too long for comfort, then nods and takes off down the hall.
“What?” I look to my left and see my mother smiling.
“Nothing,” she sings and opens the front door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, honey.”
Mallory is occupied with homework while James draws beside her. I set them up with a snack and head to my room to change out of my work skirt and heels before starting dinner. Max walks past my door, then retracts a second later as I unbutton my blouse. I pause and watch his blue eyes turn to the dark shade of his tee. He runs a hand through his hair before he pokes his head out of the door, most likely checking for the kids. His jaw clenches as his eyes devour my body.
“Can I help you?” My question comes out more annoyed than I am.
“I have to head back to work early.” His Adam’s apple bobs with a rough swallow. “You can help me tonight.” He smirks and adjusts himself. “Dammit, I'm gonna end up thinking about you the entire time, and I can’t walk around the gym with a hard on.”
“We said it was a one-time thing, Max.” I take my blouse off and clasp my bra with a smirk, before reaching for a comfy hoodie. There is no doubt how eager I am for another orgasm from him, but I need to stay true to our word.
“Would one more time be all that bad?” His scent consumes me when he walks my way. “Come on, just for another two weeks while I’m here.” He presses his lips together and scrunches his forehead in an attempt for self-restraint as his eyes scan my body.
Damn, the way he is looking at me is tempting enough to go lock my door.
“Two? I thought this was your last week.” I take a pair of leggings out of my dresser and see him peer into the drawer curiously. “That’s not the one where I keep the toys, if that’s what you’re looking for.”
“They’re in one of those drawers.” Max checks his watch, and I can tell he’s pressed for time. “It’s going to be another week for my condo. I can move to a different hotel if you want the penthouse back to yourself. Either way is fine.”
“You can stay, Max. But we aren’t hooking up again.” I wait until he leaves before removing my skirt. Along with my panties that are now soaking wet.
I walk down the hall a moment later and see Mallory in front of the door with her hands on her hips. Her brown curls flop to the side as her head tilts with attitude.
“Mal, I have to go, honey.” Max keeps a firm but sympathetic tone. “A client is relying on me.”
“I’mrelying onyouto take us to the park right now.” Mallory whines. “I haven’t seen you in forever, Max.”
“He lives here. What do you mean you haven’t seen him?” I give my daughter a stern look and shift my voice to an assertive one. “Max needs to leave. Please get out of his way, Mallory.”
“Wow, people lifting heavy objects will be so fulfilling. They shouldn’t need to pay someone to tell them to exercise.” Her eyes roll, and her mouthiness starts to boil my blood. “Fine. Whatever.” She steps to the side with a dramatic huff. “Go on and be another person choosing money over spending time with me.” Max lets go of the doorknob just as I’m about to scold my daughter for the attitude she’s throwing around.
Max beats me in grabbing her attention.
“Mallory.” He removes her hands from her hips and holds them in his, kneeling at her eye level. “I see you’re disappointed that I have to leave, but that is not how you go about getting what you want.” Her little cheeks suck in, and she nods quietly. “Tell me what you need from me.”
“I just miss you,” she whispers. “Between the weekend, school, and my swim team, we haven’t spent time together in a few days. Me and James used to go to the parkallthe time with you and Uncle Adam.”
“It has been a busy week. You’re right. We see each other, but haven’t enjoyed quality time.” She shrugs and fidgets with her hands. “Your words hold power, pretty girl. Don’t be afraid to vocalize your needs. You deserve to have them met, but you need to be respectful when you are speaking to people.” How this man doesn’t already have a wife, children, and a father of the year award beats me. It’s wasted potential, but I’ll never hold it against his reasoning.
“So, you’re still going into work tonight?” Mallory sighs.
“I have to show up for a person who is counting on me. So, yes.” Mallory is close to tears when he cups her cheeks. “When I come back, I’m sure your mom will be okay with you staying up a bit later so I can teach you some more guitar.”
“Yes!” Her brown eyes light up as she turns to me. “Can I?”
I nod as Max stands and opens the door. “Make sure you behave while I’m gone, Mallory. I’m counting on getting to play guitar with you.”