Page 10 of Santa Baby
He dumps the lace and satin into one of the smaller boxes and then starts going down the line opening and dumping all of them into a box.
“Nic…what is going on? I only just agreed to this last night. I don’t think…my computer. I don’t want my laptop messed with.” The sound of the movers in the living room has me panicking.
“Where is it?”
“Kitchen counter.”
He brings it back to me and lays it beside me and Noelle in no time. He finds the gift Lissanne gave me last Christmas and holds it up. “Oh my God! Nic! Put that down. I can…”
My cheeks burn as he holds the lace and strings up to stare at it in front of me. I lay Noelle in her crib and go for the sexy outfit that is mostly see-through and…well, string. I try to take it out of his hands, but he holds it up out of my reach. My breasts brush against his arm and cause my breath to rush from me. He drops the strings and wraps his arms around me.
“Are you wearing a bra, Talia?”
All I can do is stare open-mouthed at him, “That…is none of your business, Nic.”
He gives me a sexy half smile, “Angel, everything is my business when it comes to you and Noelle.” He traces his finger over the swell of my cheek. “You been sleeping alright?’
I don’t need him to tell me I look like death warmed over. Noelle had a bad night and I’ve not slept well since Naomi came up with this crazy idea. I am very aware that I have bags under my eyes and look like I might fall asleep at the drop of a hat.
“Boss,” the sound of the mover’s voice has me trying to pull back from Nic but he’s not having any of it. “You want us to pack the other room too.”
I stop trying to move away and turn my head away so the man asking can’t see the look of pain that crosses my face.
“Yes. Nothing stays.” The man at the door might not be able to see but I’m certain Nic does. Noelle starts to fuss like she can tell something has me upset. “Why don’t you get her and sit on the bed so you can talk to me while I pack, angel?”
With the movers and Nic it doesn’t take very long until the whole house has been packed up and I’m standing in an empty apartment. This place has been my home for two years. I moved here when I was newly eighteen years old and fresh from the orphanage I grew up in. And now…I’m leaving it. Now…everything is uncertain and I’m on shaky ground again. Nothing is in my control, and everything is happening too fast.
And then a warm hand lands on my shoulder. “Why don’t you let me hold on to her so you can take a minute and make sure we got everything?”
He takes Noelle out of my arms and leaves me standing in the emptiness. I understand why this makes sense in my head but in my heart, everything feels wrong. Everything, except Noelle. She is why I am doing all this. She deserves better than being put in the system and bounced around to people she doesn’t know or trust. She makes sense and always will. So, I suck it up and walk through all the rooms to make sure I haven’t left anything behind. For her.
Outside in the hall, Naomi is standing playing with the baby while Nic holds her. Nic looks like he belongs with Noelle. If anything, I’m the odd one out since I have a more olive coloring than Nic and Noelle.
“So, you’re taking care of Talia?”
“I plan to, yes.”
“Because the girl needs someone to take care of her.” My back goes ramrod straight. I need someone to take care of me? “She takes care of everyone around her but never herself. She needs someone strong she can lean on.”
Before I can catch what Nic says in reply, Naomi sees me and gives me a warm smile. I immediately lose the stiffness in my posture. Naomi didn’t mean I can’t do anything for myself. I understand that now. What she was saying…was really quiet kind, sweet even. Nic turns to find me behind him. “Ready to go?”
I give him a quick nod and step around him to offer a hug to Naomi.
“You take care of yourself, girl. And call me if you need anything. A babysitter for date night maybe, or anything?”
I give her a look because she understands how much of a lie this all is, but she has a romantic heart and finds love in places it isn’t. I don’t say as much and instead, let the look I give her say it all.
“I’ll take care of both of them, Naomi. You come visit when things settle down a bit. I’m sure Talia will love to have you come see her and Noelle.”
With promises to come visit made all around, Nic ushers me outside and right into a waiting car. It’s already so dark you can’t tell it’s not the middle of the night. By the time we arrive at Nic’s building, I’m struggling to hold my eyes open and dread having to unpack everything. I hold on tight to Noelle not just because I love her but as a reminder to be brave and strong…for her.
“We’ll unpack everything tomorrow. I told the guys to wait until then to bring everything here. All I want you guys to worry about tonight is just settling in.”
He helps us out of the elevator and big silver doors swoosh open letting us into his home. A sense of unrealistic uncertainty hits me when I step inside. The place is so big, and everything is so…fancy. Much fancier than I have ever known. I turn around to walk back out again but find myself in Nic’s arms.
When I raise my head to look into his eyes, I see a smile cross his face like he might have realized I was about to make a run for it. “Welcome home, Talia.”
Chapter Nine