Page 10 of Broken By Sin
“I learned from the best didn’t I?” she snaps back.
“Leave my family out of this, Chanel.”
Her brown eyes harden as she glares up at me. “Fuck you. You were the one who came after my family first–”
“Don’t you touch them.” I’m almost pleading now.
“Who said I was the one that was going to hurt them?” I’m going to kill Romeo and Xavier for giving this ammo against me, she didn’t even know my real name until three days ago.
“Don’t make me arrest you.”
“Do it,” she taunts. “You can't, can you?” I release her with a shove and pace a small circle, tugging at the strands of my hair. I know without a doubt the guy recording us is her father. I spent many years studying the Murdochs and their significant others. Thanks to them being hotel, club and other establishment owners, they have been in the public eye for years. Unlike their children, who have kept a low profile their whole lives and make it fucking hard to track them. “Now you know what it feels like to be backed into a corner.”
“Chanel, my family had nothing to do with any of this. You want to hurt someone then hurt me but not them, please,” I beg her to understand. I know I sound like a hypocrite right now after asking her to hand her cousin up on a silver platter, but this is different. My family has never done anything illegal. My parents and Ash haven’t done anything remotely in the gray, unlike me or even Marcus, who straight up jumped into the black when he decided to help the Albanians with distribution.
“I am not the one coming after your family, Kacey. I markedyou, notthem.” Cocking my head to the side, I stare down at her confused and slightly baffled by her meaning.
“But you said–”
“It was a warning. Give me my freedom and I will help you save your family from the threat that is now after them.”
“What the fuck are you saying, Sin?” She pushes into me until her full tits brush against me, her eyes cold and unforgiving as she stares up at me.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t go snooping around after your friends gave up information on you so freely?” She doesn’t give me a chance to answer. “The Albanians are after your family, Kacey. There is a bounty on your parents and your brother. Your other brother needs to be moved out of gen pop now, because they think he is the one that snitched.”
I shake my head denying her claim. “I–no… Marcus–how do you know about him?” No one knew Marcus was my brother aside from Owen, Q, and Bentley. We kept that shit under wraps so he wouldn’t be a target in prison.
“If I told you how I knew about your brother working for the Albanians, I’d have to kill you.”
“Who put the hit out?” I ask in a tone devoid of all emotion. I’m an undercover agent, my job is to be a ghost and become whoever I need to be in order to infiltrate a gang, enterprise or even become a college student if it’s needed. I am the best there is and that is why I am afforded so much leeway and able to call the shots in some instances, like being Chanel’s handler.
“Halil Kozma.” I frown, I’ve never heard of that name before. “You know him asJones.” My eyes widen. We have been searching for over a year to find any information we can on Jones, it’s the only name we have had for the ringleader of the Albanian Cartel here in Miami. “We’ll help you take out your enemy.”
“What’s the catch?” I’ve been doing this job since I was nineteen and know without a doubt everything comes with a price.
“After your problem is solved, I want my freedom. You are to never contact me, disclose my identity or ever come for my family.”
“I thought I was marked?” I snark.
“If you decline my offer, I’ll bury you next to your parents and brothers. You have twenty four hours, Loki.” She turns to leave but pauses a couple feet away and peers back at me over her shoulder. “I’d call your pal Benny and have him move Marcus before they get to him.” I keep the shock from my face. She spent the past three days doing exactly the same thing as I did, gathering intel on me and my family. I watch her walk away with the guy in the baseball cap tailing after her. The moment they disappear out of sight, I jump into action and head in the opposite direction to them and dial Benny doing exactly as she said—getting him to put in a call to have Marcus moved into solitary.
* * *
Benny, Romeo, Xavier and I are all sitting in my living room with files upon files scattered over the small table between us. Romeo and Xavier aren’t FBI, they are local beat cops but we have been friends since grade school and I trust them with my life. Benny and I met in Quantico and he has become one of my best friends. I trust him as I do Ro and Xav.
“How the fuck do you know there is a price on Marlee, Jim and Ash’s heads?” Ro asks.
“How did you know Marcus was going to get shanked?” Benny adds. I scrub a hand down my face, debating how much to tell them. They don’t know about Chanel and I want to keep it that way if I can. Q and Owen are the only two inside the Bureau that know I am handling her.
“I was tipped off,” I answer. Xav eyes me warily.
“You’re hiding shit,” Xavier accuses. “Now isn’t the time for hiding shit, Kace. We were with the FBI on the raid, so if these fuckers are coming after arresting officers then we have a right to know.” He has a valid point.
“Look, all I know for sure is that they somehow figured out who the fuck I am.”
“How?” Benny asks. I shrug, I have no idea how they found out. My cover was airtight and wasn’t blown the night of the arrest. I was masked up the night of the raid, we made sure to scatter all the fuckers across the country into different prisons so they would never be able to find which prison I was supposed to be in if they looked.
“I don’t know, B. I have spent all afternoon trying to figure that shit out,” I growl, annoyed as fuck that I can’t figure this shit out. I know I could call Chanel and ask but I have a feeling she wouldn’t tell me.