Page 49 of Broken By Sin
“Ditto, Papi,” London sasses back. We all stay congregated in the kitchen watching Mom, Erika and London cook. The twins call me out for not being able to cook. Kacey defends me and says he can cook so there is no need for me to worry about it. It feels fucking amazing to be able to be here with Kacey and my family in the same room. The moment is shattered when Kacey’s phone begins to ring and I see the caller ID. My stomach drops, he takes a step back and shoots me a sympathetic look as he steps out back and answers the call.
“Who was that?” Royal asks, sensing the turmoil inside me.
“Owen,” I answer in a clipped tone, as I turn and watch Kacey pace the length of the patio, running a hand through his hair. His face is pinched in frustration and I know without a doubt that he is being called back.
Where does that leave us?
The twins come to stand on my other side. The four of us stand here, silently watching Kacey. “We call you out and give you shit, Chanel, but just know that if he ever hurts you again, I’ll rip the motherfucker’s spleen out and smile as I’m doing it.” The venom in Chaos’s voice tells me he means every word and will stay true to his vow if Kacey fucks up.
“What’s the plan, Sin?” Hav asks.
“Hope he quits his job because if he doesn’t…” I let my sentence trail off, not wanting to finish the last part.
“I’ll do it.” I look up at Royal and shake my head.
“I appreciate it but if anyone is going to kill him for choosing wrong, it’s me.” A pang hits me in the chest. I hate the fucking idea that I might have to take the life of the man I am in love with, but I also have to protect my family. Kacey is in too deep now to allow him to walk away and remain breathing. The moment he pockets his phone and steps back inside, he eyes the four of us skeptically before finally setting his gaze on me. The fact he is keeping space between us and not drawing me into his arms, tells me more than he knows. He’s about to leave.
“I have a way into the Albanians and I’m taking it.”
Okay, that was not what I was expecting him to say.
“But they already know who you are,” Havoc says.
“Yes.” I eye him skeptically, studying him trying to find out what he isn’t saying.
“You’re not going undercover, you’re going in as the bait to lure them out,” Royal announces. Kacey’s gaze never leaves mine, the second his blue eyes shield all of his emotions from me, I tense.
“Yes. It’s the only way to bring Halil out of hiding and finally be able to bring them down.” His tone is clipped and void of emotion even, though I know this must be tearing him up inside.
“No. You’re not doing it,” I declare.
“Shut the fuck up, Kacey. I said no.” My voice is high pitched and I’m pissed off that my emotions are bleeding out of me but this is too much. If he does this we won’t be able to be with him and have his back.
“Chanel, I love you but this isn’t your call to make. I’m going.” I stand here wide eyed and mouth agape as he turns and heads up the stairs, effectively ignoring me and my demand.
“Did he just say fuck you Chanel without actually sayingfuck you Chanel?” Chaos mutters.
“Oh yeah, that was a big fuck you to Sin.” I ignore the dumbass twins as I race up the stairs and storm into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me to find Kacey walking out of the closet with a duffle bag and some clothes.
“I said no!” I shout. He ignores me and dumps the contents on the bed before he begins to fold them. After a minute of being ignored, I close the space and grab the items he’s folded, tossing them across the room. He glares down at me. I can feel the anger radiating off him.
“Stop throwing a fucking tantrum, Chanel! You need to realize that your word isn’t God’s law. I am a grown ass man and good at what I fucking do. This is my job–”
“What about me?” I scream. “You walk the fuck out that door, you choose your job over me. If you leave, Kacey don’t you dare fucking come back!” I can feel the emotions I have been trying to keep locked down inside me rise to the surface, fear of him leaving me again is starting to choke me up.
“I’m doing this for you!” he roars. “No one has been able to get to Halil because he is hiding out with the Dominico’s. This is our one chance to bring him out of hiding. We have to do this.”
“You don’t have to—”
“I have to do this for my brother! Can’t you see, this isn’t just about you and your family, but for me. I need vengeance for my brother. I love you so fucking much, Chanel Vincetta Murelo, but don’t stand in my way. I am going to take this son of a bitch down so Marcus can rest easily and then you and I don’t have to keep looking over our shoulders. This is my last job, Sin. I told Owen I would help him with the mole and taking down Halil, then I’m out.” His gaze bores into mine. It takes me a solid minute before his words register in my mind.
“You’re quitting your job?” I whisper.
He reaches out and cups my face between his hands, a timid smile stretching across his face. I reach out and grip his shirt in my hands, clutching it tight. “Yeah, baby. I told you I wouldn’t let you walk away from me again and I meant it. My job is a problem for us, so I eliminated the problem becauseyouare the most important thing in this world to me, baby.” Fuck, the twins are right. I am acting like a girl! Tears leak from the corners of my eyes as I smile up at my man. He wipes the smile from my face with a kiss that steals the breath from my lungs. Before I can deepen the kiss and show him with my body just how happy his choice has made me, he pulls back when a knock sounds at our door. “Yeah?”
The door opens to reveal Chaos. I frown at the sight of him. “What do you want?” I snap.