Page 54 of Broken By Sin
I ignore the twins' shouts as I adjust my scope. I spot the van carrying Kacey in the middle. I flick back to the channel with my team and tell them to shoot to kill.
“Spikes are out,” comes from Chaos. A minute later the first van hits the spikes and spins out, that’s when everything goes down. The VW side door is open and men with rifles step out. I take out the first three, forcing the others to take cover behind the van but they can’t hide. Dex is set up behind them and takes them out. Cars come squealing from the other direction, windows down with guns out shooting. I take out the tires on the first car, it flips while the other five dodge the wreck. The three vans are sitting in the middle of the battle. I spot Havoc’s car blocking the road and him shooting at the car behind him that has been tailing him. I watch his six and take out two fuckers that dare to try to take out my cousin.
“Cutting it close, Sin,” Havoc grits out after taking care of his tail and rushing for Kacey’s van, but he gets pinned down behind the third van.
“Just keeping you on your toes,” I snap back as I continue to take out the Albanian scum. More cars come barreling in, we’re overwhelmed. I look around for Royal and the others but they’re nowhere in sight. “Royal, where the fuck are you?” I shout but he doesn’t reply. My attention is snagged when the van with Kacey in it has its door thrown open. Two guards jump out with their guns drawn. A third jumps out and reaches back in to grab Kacey. My breath hitches at the sight of him in an orange jumpsuit with handcuffs on his wrists and ankles. A haze overcomes me. I go numb as my focus hones in on the men trying to rush him. I take down each without hesitation, putting down any fucker that tries to get to my man.
More cars come barreling in. Panic tries to grip me but I fight it back. Royal should have been here by now! I swap out my mag and continue to take shot after shot, praying to God for the first fucking time that I am able to save my man, because I don’t think I could survive losing him, not again.
“I’m hit!” comes from one of my guys.
“They have our positions. We need to move!” Calvin shouts.
“Hold your positions and guard the package!” I clap back, not giving a fuck if they found us, my main focus is to protect Kacey.
“Chanel, fall back now!” Dad roars. A lump forms in my throat as I watch the Albanians and Ricardo’s men close in on Kacey. I swipe the tears from my eyes.
“I can’t, Dad,” I wheeze out, my vision is blurred from my tears.
“He’s surrounded. Our positions are up. We need to move. Trust me, Chanel. I will get to him.” I take one last look at Kacey as he’s being forced to move by the guard with his hand on the back of his neck. They are scrambling for shelter but one of the guards is taken down. Kacey and the other guard don’t stop moving. I look for Havoc but I can’t find him. “Trust me, Chanel.”
“Fuck!” I grab my rifle and rush from the roof. Sure enough, as soon as I hit the ledge of the building, I’m forced backward when a shot rings out. I run to the other side swinging my rifle over my shoulder and using the fire escape to make my escape. Shots ring out around me. I grab my sidearm and fire back as I leap from one landing to the next ignoring the stairs, I have no time. I hit the ground and roll to the side so I can take out the two fuckers at the end of the alley. I race out the front and check from side to side before making a dash to the building where my dad was stationed, which is the same direction Kacey was moving. I just need to get to him. All thought flees my body when I watch Royal and the rest of the guys move in. It isn’t the sight of them that has panic gripping me, it’s the sight of London leaping out of the back of one of their cars.
“We need backup now!” Kyle shouts into his radio. I shake my head at the idiot.
“Do you really think they don’t have signal jammers? No one is coming, get these fucking cuffs off me now,” I snarl. He looks around us trying to decide if he should or shouldn’t listen to me so I push on. “There is no fucking special ops team coming. Quintin is out there with Halil. The mission is a bust. Get these off me now so I can help.” My words seem to spur him into action. He pulls the key from his pocket and undoes my cuff. I wish I had a change of clothes, but I don’t. I’m a fucking neon sign out here in this jumpsuit. I peer around the corner of the building to see Royal and the others creeping in, he was smart to hold his team off until they were sure no others were coming or they would have been ambushed on both sides.
“London!” At the sound of my girl's voice my eyes widen, she’s a hundred yards from me with a panicked look on her face. I follow her line of sight and my jaw drops. London stands at the side of one the blacked out SUVs. I spot Quintin as I race toward London. For a second I think I’ll make it to the little girl, until Halil comes out of nowhere. Shots ring out around us but I don’t hear anything as he stands mere feet away from me with his gun raised. I hear nothing but the blood pumping in my ears, this is it.
This is the moment I die.
I watch his finger shift to squeeze the trigger, then searing pain explodes through my shoulder. As I lurch forward from the force of the shot, my eyes widen when I see the bullet that just shot me go straight through my shoulder and lodge itself inside Halil’s chest. He and I both dropped to the ground at the same time. I grunt in pain and reach up to apply pressure to the wound, as I try to turn to get on my feet and get some cover. The back of my jumpsuit is gripped and I’m yanked to my feet and dragged to the side of the field, taking cover behind a building. Vincent shoves me against the building as he peers around the corner letting off round after round until his mag is empty.
He spins around and looks me over. “You good?” he asks.
I nod. “Yeah, nice shot,” I deadpan.
The fucker smirks. “You deserved it.”
I grit my teeth. “You really didn’t need to shoot me, you could have taken the kill shot,” I snap.
He shrugs and smirks. “I could have, butyoudid give me permission to take you out before you left if it meant saving my daughter.”
My eyes widen. “She wasn’t about to be killed!” I shout.
“A thank you for saving your life would be nice,” he snarks.
I splutter. “You shot me!”
“It was an accident,” he defends.
“I know for a fact you never miss a shot, even your daughter says you are the best.” He rolls his lips over his teeth to keep from smiling.
“We all have our bad days, Kacey. Today must be mine.” My nostrils flare in anger. This fucker took great joy in shooting me. He is a marksman and never misses a shot. Motherfucker did this to teach me a lesson for hurting his daughter. “Halil is down but your mole is still out there. We need to take them down and get that piece of shit.”
“We need him alive. If Quintin is killed, then we can never prove he was the mole. The bastard wiped his drive, Benny couldn’t get anything from his computer.”