Page 41 of Saving Christmas
He laughed. “I don’t know how I forgot that.”
“Me, either.” She took his arm and they moved slowly onto the ice.
“Careful,” he said as he stepped onto the slippery ice and tried to keep his feet from slipping out from beneath him.
“You’re okay.” She held tight to his arm.
They’d only made it halfway around the pond when he started to slip, his feet sliding on the ice as he quickly moved them back and forth, trying to find his balance. Laughing, Roni tried to keep him from falling, but it was no use. His feet went out from under him, and he went down hard, hitting the ice with Roni landing right on top of him.
“That did not just happen,” he said, laughing, his arms going around to hold her, her face inches from his. Blond curls fell down on either side of him as she stared at him, her lips inches from his. Her beautiful blue eyes captured his. He lifted his head to kiss her, his mouth barely brushing hers.
“Hey, are you guys okay?” Owen said, helping Roni off him.
“Yeah.” She laughed, the color high in her cheeks. “I guess it really has been a long time.”
Owen held out a hand to Jimmy. He took it and very carefully got to his feet, regaining his balance.
“I just put out the hot chocolate, if you want a break,” Owen said, holding him steady.
“That sounds good. Thanks, Owen.” Jimmy gingerly moved forward. With Roni’s help, he made it back to the canopy and the pot of hot chocolate sitting on the table. He grabbed a cup, filled it, handed it to Roni, and then filled one for himself.
“What, no whipped cream?” she asked with a grin.
“This isn’t Coffee Corner,” Jimmy said and winked. Color filled her cheeks, and he couldn’t help reaching for her hand. “We have dinner reservations at Charley’s at seven. You still feel up to going?”
She looked down at his hand holding hers. “To Charley’s? Of course. I love that restaurant.”
He grinned. “Me, too. My parents used to take me all the time.” He dropped her hand and sat in a chair to take off his skates and put on his boots.
Roni did the same. “I remember.”
A moment of anxiety fell over him as he thought about his dad and all the troubles he’d been having. Over the last few years, it seemed like it was one thing after another. He knew, like everyone, that he’d lose his parents someday, but certainly not this soon.
“I have something in the house I want to show you.” A sparkle of excitement lit her eyes and pulled him out of his dark thoughts.
She was the only one who’d ever been able to do that. “You do?”
“I do.” She got up and headed toward the house, then looked over her shoulder, smiled, and crooked her finger for him to follow her.
He quickly got to his feet and followed her up to the house. His old mud stompers had never felt so good. They walked into Brianna’s living room and over to her large dining table where there were several antique tins.
Amazement filled him. “You found them.”
“I did. Pick out some for your dad. Owen is going to make a nice container to display them in. I’m going to display the rest in my shop. I’m even going to start up some of my grandmother’s old traditions like making her molasses cookies. Thank you for reminding me what Coffee Corner used to be like when she ran it. Those are the changes I want to make.” She picked one tin and held it out to him. “I also had another idea.”
“It sounds like you had an inspirational day.” He took the tin from her and admired the vintage photograph painted on the side.
“I sure did. You said you needed more Christmas ideas, right? Why not paint these images? People love vintage.”
He looked at the old-fashioned image of St. Nick with his rosy cheeks and wide smile. “I love this idea. These vintage images remind me of my childhood, visiting my grandparents and watching old movies. Even ice skating.” He laughed. “I was much better when I was a kid.” He smiled as he remembered the Christmases of his youth. “You know those were really good times. I miss them. Thank you for helping me remember.”
“I seem to recall we had a couple good Christmases too,” she said softly.
Jimmy looked at the tenderness in her eyes and felt something move inside him. A cracking of the armor around his heart. He leaned down and finished what he’d started on the ice, and his lips met hers.
The warmth of her kiss moved through him, melting his insides, driving away the fear and doubts. He pulled her against him, holding her tight. Her lips tasted of chocolate and sweet heartbreak. He’d loved her so much. Wanted her so much. Could he trust her not to hurt him again?
Did he have a choice? He could stay, take a chance and be happy, or be safe, miserable, and alone. In Denver.