Page 53 of Saving Christmas
He reached the rental car counter and groaned. The line was long. He glanced at his watch again. He wasn’t going to make it. He broke down and called Owen.
“Jimmy,” Owen answered on the first ring. “What are you doing? Roni is a mess.”
Jimmy’s stomach clenched, and his grip tightened on the phone. A delayed flight and now this; nothing was going as he’d planned. “I hoped I’d get back before she found out I left.”
“When you didn’t show up at your booth this afternoon, she went to find you at Frankie’s. Your mom told her you moved back to Denver.”
Jimmy ran a hand down his face and groaned. “No. She didn’t.”
“She did. Is it true? Did you really leave without telling anyone?”
“Yes. No. I just had to go back to deal with my gallery. I’m in Boston now, waiting to get a rental car but I’m going to be late for the festival.”
“Dude, you should have called her earlier. She thinks you went home without telling her.”
“I know.” He let loose a loud sigh. “I’m trying to get there as fast as I can.”
“When you do, your booth is already set up, waiting, and empty.”
He could tell by Owen’s voice he wasn’t happy with him. He didn’t blame him; he wasn’t happy with him. “Do you have time to run to my house and get the box of paintings I did? They’re up in my studio.”
“Yeah, but does that mean you want me to sell them too?” Owen asked with a note of incredulity in his voice.
“Would you mind? Thirty-five dollars a pop. I really want to make this up to Roni, and I don’t want to do it over the phone.”
Owen groaned. “You are going to owe me so big for this.”
“I know. I really appreciate it. I should get there around six.”
“What am I supposed to tell Roni?” Owen asked. “She’s going to see me in your booth.”
“Tell her I’m coming and I’ll see her soon.”
“I’m not sure she’s going to want to see you. She is devastated. You really blew it this time.”
“She has to forgive me. I’m coming back for her,” he said, not understanding why this was so hard.
“I don’t think that’s what she wants to hear, and I wouldn’t either. You gutted her. Do not come back for her, come back because you’re absolutely sure you really want her—”
“I do want her, I swear,” Jimmy blurted, and the people in line in front of him turned to look. “I had to go back to Denver to be sure, and now I am.”
“Then you’re going to have to fight for her,” Owen said. “Don’t take no for an answer and don’t tell her you’re doing it for her, whatever you do. You have to do it for yourself or you won’t be happy and it won’t last.”
Owen echoed what his mother said the last time he saw her.
“I understand. I know what I want now, I really do. I want Roni; I want my old life back; I want to come home.”
Owen laughed. “That is so good to hear, buddy. Now you just have to convince her of that. I’m not sure if she’s ready to listen.”
Jimmy wrapped his fingers around the engagement ring he’d slipped into his pocket. The same one he’d bought ten years ago. He never got rid of it and had continued to make the payments. Now he knew what his heart had already known. He didn’t want to live another day without Roni by his side. Somehow, he had to find a way to make her see that and believe it.
“Next,” the clerk behind the counter called, and he walked toward her.
“Don’t say anything to her,” Jimmy said. “I’ll fix things. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“I wish you luck, buddy. You’re going to need it.”