Page 51 of The Perfect Deal
Joshua’s lips claimed mine as his hands slid across my damp body. He untied the string at my back first, the fabric hanging over my breasts as his hands slipped around my ribcage to finger my nipples. His thumbs roamed over their hard peaks, making me gasp for air as I threaded my fingers through his hair. The ache in my core I always felt when he was around increased as my urgency flamed.
He untied the other part of my bikini and let it fall to the floor before lowering his head to take my breast in his mouth, his tongue lapping around the center as he sucked. I moaned and reached for him, my hand caressing his hardened cock through his swim trunks. Desperation took over, and I grabbed his waistband, tugging the wet shorts out of the way.
“Okay, baby,” he said, lifting his head. “I want you, too. So badly.”
With that, Joshua helped me get his trunks off and then took a few seconds to untie both sides of my bikini bottoms before the two of us fell onto my bed. This time, he was quick to turn so that I was on the bottom. I’d been in control for much of the first time we’d been together, but with his body pinning mine to the mattress, I gladly relinquished all the power to this man I cared so very much for.
His warm lips heated my skin as he kissed me from the crook of my neck to my belly button. Every place his fingers stroked left me on fire. By the time he spread my legs and poised himself at my entryway, I was so ready for him, my body was practically vibrating as my back arched and my need left my thighs slick.
Joshua hovered over me for a moment, looking down at me, his eyes locked on mine. “Are you ready for me, Liberty?” he asked.
The only word I could speak was, “Always.”
Ipushed inside of Liberty, and the moment I entered her, my ability to think rationally was gone. All I could do was act on instinct. The two of us moved together as one, our skin gliding over one another as we set the perfect rhythm.
Beneath me, her skin glowed in the faint moonlight streaming through the high windows. Her windswept hair, still full of beach curls, fanned out around her beautiful face. All I wanted to do was gaze into her eyes, kiss her luscious lips, and feel her wrapped around me for eternity.
“Oh, god, Joshua,” she moaned as we began to quicken our pace. “You feel so good.”
Instinct told me to shush her, to quietly remind her that her brother and Poppy were somewhere in the house, but I could barely breathe, let alone speak. Besides, I’d longed to hear her call my name like this for years. Why would I want to quiet her now?
Instead, I picked up my pace, instinctively wanting to make her moan even more. Her uneven breaths were coming in pants now, and I was right there with her, beads of sweat covering my body as we both came close to the end.
Just when I thought it couldn’t feel any better, Liberty raised her legs and wrapped them around my body, cocooning me deep inside of her as she squeezed her muscles around my shaft. My mouth dropped open as a grunt formed in my throat. Stars filled my vision as I came undone, lost to the world for several seconds as everything faded away except for me and her—the way it should always be.
My lungs burning, I rolled off Liberty, clutching her to my chest. Her mass of hair tangled around my arm, pulling it slightly as we both laughed and tried to recover. The idea clawed at the corner of my mind that this was wrong, that I had, yet again, betrayed my best friend. It didn’t subside quickly, so I shoved it aside and put all of my concentration toward the woman in my arms.
After a few moments, Liberty abruptly sat up. “We should get out of here before everyone gets back from the cove,” she noted.
Of course, she was right. Everyone would be expecting us to either be in our own beds or somewhere together—somewhere less conspicuous. Quickly, we both hopped up and threw our bathing suits on, giggling as we did so. We had a secret only the two of us knew about, and despite how wrong it felt sneaking around behind Landon’s back, I liked knowing Liberty and I were in on something together.
A few moments later, the two of us were seated a good foot apart on the porch swing, trying to look innocent as we listened for approaching footsteps. All I could hear was the faint sound of the waves pounding the shore in the distance.
“That was an adventure,” I mumbled, wishing I could hold her hand.
“You can say that again.” She turned and looked at me, one eye slightly narrowed. “You’re not going to ghost me again, are you?”
My mouth dropped open as I was momentarily shocked and offended—until I realized she had good reason to ask that question. “No,” I told her. “No, I don’t like sneaking around behind Landon’s back, but I want to be with you, Liberty, so we’ll have to figure it out.”
She relaxed slightly, her eye going back to normal as her shoulders dropped. “Okay. Good. We’re on the same page.”
“Yep.” I reached over and quickly squeezed her leg. “Oh, the things you’ll do for love.”
The words had slipped out of my mouth before I thought about it. Bug-eyed, I turned to look at her and saw a similar expression on her face. “So you love me?”
I didn’t get a chance to confirm or deny the question as suddenly we heard the approach of everyone else, talking loudly as they headed up the path toward the house.
“There you guys are,” Hannah said, smiling at us. “We were afraid you’d drowned.”
“You should’ve come with us, Lib,” Ethan said, stopping to touch her arm, making my skin crawl. “It was fun.”
“Maybe next time,” she replied politely.
Knowing I couldn’t sit there any longer without having to answer her question, I let myself be swept up into the crowd, but I turned to give her a knowing smile before heading upstairs to go to bed.