Page 15 of The Lord of Light
I cut my eyes toward him and then broke into a chuckle.
Fuck it. Fuck all of it.Fuck all of them.
I kicked back the rest of my drink, savoring its burn, and then set my empty glass on a nearby cocktail table, making my way to Al on the dance floor.
“Get your bathing suit on. We’re going for a ride on my boat,” Luke said. He kissed me lightly on my forehead, just as I had begun to stir that morning.
“But sleep, coffee,otherthings…” I said, taking note of Luke’s hip bones jutting over the top of his mid-thigh length swim trunks and trying to prioritize which of my early morning needs should come first.
I reached out, tracing the line of the muscles on his flat stomach with a finger.Coffee could wait. He gave me an appreciative chuckle as he grabbed my hand, thwarting my progress underneath the band of his shorts.
“Everything’s packed but you. Bathing suit is optional now that I think about it,” he teased, wagging his eyebrows at me. “Just get your cute ass downstairs.”
I smirked at him, stretching and rolling toward the other side of the bed as he left our room. I found Luke down at the dock loading the boat.
“What time did you wake up?” I asked, noting how the boat was ready to go and stocked with what appeared to be a picnic basket and other provisions.
“Early. But I figured you could use the beauty rest after I kept you up all night,” he bragged.
“Don’t be so proud of yourself,” I retorted, making my way onto the boat.
Luke had been relentless last night, like he was trying to use his cock to carve his name into my soul with orgasm after orgasm. When he finally allowed me to rest, I was convinced that I would wake up delightfully sore. But apparently the beauty rest had healed me. Instead of soreness, there was a faint throbbing through my core as I admired Luke without his shirt. Laughing, he grabbed me by my waist, easily lifting me and placing me on the boat.
“I said never mind on the bathing suit,” he said, noting with dismay the minimal white string bikini I wore.
“Luke, I think other people would notice if I was completely naked,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Speaking of other people, where are Rhett and James?” I asked.
“You aren’t the only one who needed to sleep in this morning,” he replied. “They’ll probably be gone for brunch by the time we get back. And, anyway, there will be no other people where we are going,” he said, with a devious smirk on his face.
Intrigued, I slumped onto the bench next to where Luke stood in front of the helm of the boat. We didn’t speak as the wind blew us to a small island within sight of the cottage. I propped my feet up on the console of the helm and lay back, turning my face toward the sun. My hair danced in the light breeze. I let the coverup I wore fall open, exposing me to my midriff. Luke guided the boat until we made a soft landing at the shore.
“We’re here,” Luke said, grabbing my attention.
I opened my eyes. I had almost drifted back to sleep.
“What is this place?” I asked.
“My island,” he answered.
“You really own anisland,” I said in disbelief, remembering how he had mentioned it to me once before.
“Yep. It’s all mine. It’s too small to run a port through, so my father and brother never cared about it,” Luke explained.
He lifted me off the bench, his corded arms under my thighs. He lithely jumped off the boat into the shallow water and carried me to the shore, placing me down ever so gently. He placed a firm hand on my lower back and pressed my body into him as he lowered his mouth to mine. I was bare-footed, which made me significantly shorter than Luke, so I had to crane my neck and stand on my toes to meet his embrace. He kissed me deep and long, and when he finally lifted his mouth from mine and I tried to stand on my own, I swayed, lightheaded. A proud smirk slid across his face.
“I’m just sleepy,” I said, in an attempt to downplay the effect he had on me.
“I think I can help you find your way to a nap,” he said, jumping back up onto the deck of the boat with much more energy than I could muster at the moment.
Luke unloaded the boat while I dug my toes into the sand, enjoying the warm water washing over my feet.
“What’s the plan for today?” I asked.