Page 3 of The Lord of Light
“James went back home for a few days, so it looks like the original dream team is back in action tonight!” Rhett exclaimed.
It had been an even longer time since just the three of us had gone off campus. These days, James and Rhett were nearly inseparable if they were in the same town.
“Luke, don’t you have a date with Lauren tonight?” Al asked me.
Oh.Yeah. I’d forgotten all about Lauren LaFleur, which was saying something. She was the hottest commodity around the High Court recently. Lauren had been in a relationship for years with Timothy Durand, but they’d recently split, opening the field for hermanyinterested suitors.
“She can come too,” I said.Problem solved.
The dream teamplus Lauren, I amended.
* * * *
Stefan was playing at Lucky Hearts, a bar that usually had a decent game or two of cards going in the back. He sat on a stool, guitar in his hands, and winked at Al as we entered the bar. If Al acknowledged him, I didn’t see it. She walked right past Stefan and the women crowding the dance floor around him and to the bar to order a drink.
With half a beer still in my hand and after only a few songs, Al surprised me by suggesting that we move on to another bar. Stefan hadn’t even finished his first set. He still sat perched upon his stool and surrounded by women fawning over him.
Unsurprisingly, we ended up at Bar Louie. Al walked straight to the bar again.
“Three lagers,” I overheard her say.
“Oh, and, hey, Lauren, what do you want?” she called out over her shoulder.
“A glass of white wine would be great. Oak-barrel, if they have it. Thanks, Alarie,” Lauren replied politely.
Lauren didn’t seem like the type who left the High Court very often. Her gaze bounced around the shabby but clean main room of the bar full of bar games and locals you would never see up at the Court.
“It’s kind of a hole,” I admitted. “But it’s a good time,” I promised Lauren. “Hey, I’m going to help Al grab our drinks. You want anything else?” I asked, already walking toward the bar. Lauren shook her head.
“Want to talk about it?” I asked, bumping into Al to announce my arrival.
“Talk about what?” she asked, half turning her body away from the bar and towards me.
“Why we just left Stefan’s gig as soon as we got there?” I replied.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” she answered too quickly, tossing her long espresso brown hair over one shoulder.
“Ooook,” I replied skeptically, raising my eyebrows.
The bartender slid our three beers onto the bar behind her. I reached my arms around and behind her, grabbing the beers. My arms caging her in, I looked down into her green and gold eyes. They held a steely determination, challenging me to ask more about the subject. I grinned down at her, admiring her feistiness. Al and Stefan were very hot and cold these days. I was happy to stay out of it as long as that’s what she wanted.
“I’ll get this round,” Al offered.
“Not a chance,” I replied, indicating for the bartender to put the drinks on my tab.
“Come get your ass kicked at some bar games and maybe I’ll let you buy me a drink,” I teased, easily lifting the three flagons of lager directly over her head.
“Here’s your wine, Lauren,” Al said, meeting us at the table Lauren sat at by herself. Rhett was already in the throes of a game of darts with a stranger.
“Hey, you want to play?” Al asked Lauren, gesturing toward a dartboard that had just opened up.
“Ummm, no. I’m just awful. You two go ahead, though,” Lauren suggested.
“You sure?” I asked.
Lauren nodded her head. “I’ll just watch from here,” she offered.
I shrugged. “Okay, let me know if you want another glass of wine,” I offered, making my way to Al and the dartboard.