Page 34 of The Lord of Light
“He—he told the Prince that he got his wings when he was out hiking with me,” I admitted.
“Fucking hell,” Luke cussed. “This is exactly what we don’t need to happen. Wedon’tneedthisgetting out.”
“Luke, there is nothis,” I whispered.
“If that’s true, then why did someone try to kidnap you last night, Al?” Luke continued.
“I’ve been thinking about it, Luke. What about Stefan? If I pass on some kind of magic through sex then wouldn’t Stefan have been affected too?” I asked.
“Maybe you did impact his magic and he never said anything. Or maybe,” the muscles in Luke’s jaw feathered, “deep down, you never trusted that piece of shit enough to give him any of your magic. I don’t know how it works, Al but...”
We cut off any further argument upon reaching the steps of House Heroux. The Prince was already outside, waiting.
He stood at the top of the steps, his hands in his pockets, his dark hair falling around his piercing green eyes. He took the steps toward us nimbly, one at a time. He seemed so sure of himself as he stopped one step above us.
“Hope you didn’t havetoo lateof a night,” the Prince teased, a knowing glint in his eyes.
“Luke, it’s been—” the Prince purposefully cut off his own sentence, clearly indicating that he didn’t quite agree with the usual refrain“too long.”
“Long enough, yeah,” Luke finished the sentence for him.
And I couldn’t help but stare over at my friend, who was normally so kind and friendly to everyone I had ever seen him around. I furrowed my brows at him, but he didn’t look away from the Prince.
“Well, as much as Ilovecatching up at the High Court, we really must get going.” The Prince shrugged, removing a hand from his pocket. He took a step down, offering his hand out to me.
“Where are we going?” I asked, looking at but not taking his outstretched hand.
“To train,” he answered shortly, nodding at me to take his hand.
Begrudgingly, I stepped up and took his hand, feeling calluses that could have only come from years of holding a sword. I turned back to say bye to Luke, but he was gone.
Or rather, I was gone. I found myself clinging to the Prince in the complete darkness around me. But then it was gone before I knew what was happening. We reappeared on what appeared to be the roof of a large building. The sun was bright overhead, and I heard waves crashing in the background.
Steadying myself in my heels, I looked up to see a twinkle of amusement in the depths of the Prince’s dark green eyes. I realized that in my panic in the darkness, I had wrapped his hand around my waist as I clung to the front of his high-necked hunter green tunic. I released the fistful of his tunic and pushed away from him.
“First time traveling?” he asked, the only remnant of his amusement a slightly quirked eyebrow.
I refused to let him ruffle me.
“Very observant of you. Where are we?” I asked.
He ignored my sass, drawing his eyes purposefully up from my four-inch stilettos to the top of my head, which, even in heels, was a foot or more below his own.
“The M,” he answered.
The Emerald Court on the Emerald Isle. That explained the ocean nearby.
“Seeing as how you are notdressedfor any real training today, we’ll just have to talk through some things first,” the Prince noted.
I noticed that his green tunic was tightly fitted, clinging to the curves of his muscles. But there were no weapons on him that I could see. He didn’t look like Cass had that morning, strapped down with so many weapons I’d lost count.
“And what, exactly, is it that I need to be dressed to train for?” I asked, determined to maintain my composure.
“Your powers. Now tell me about them,” he replied, putting his hands in his pockets and beginning to pace.
“That’s easy. I don’t have any,” I responded petulantly, already knowing where the conversation was going.
“That’s not what your boyfriend said,” the Prince retorted.