Page 61 of The Lord of Light
Cass turned his head over his shoulder to find my eyes on him, my lower lip between my teeth. He rose from the banister he was leaning against and made his way toward me, not trying to hide the desire that bulged in his pants. He kissed me, taking my bottom lip between his teeth.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“A scar. I got hit in the lip when I was a kid. You know we didn’t have a healer in town growing up, and I was too chickenshit to get it sewn up,” I replied, aching for more of him.
Cass cackled.
“I knew you when you were a kid. You weren’t chickenshit. You weren’t scared of anything,” Cass said.
“Except long pointy needles in my mouth,” I replied.
He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his hulking torso. He pressed me against the wall behind us. He worked his hard cock against me, quickly working me into a frenzy of desire. I broke free of his mouth, hot all over and gasping.
“Shouldn’t we go inside?” I asked, peering uncertainly around us. I didn’t see anyone.
We were outside on my veranda in the middle of the day. The balcony was tucked away, affording us some amount of privacy. But it wasn’t outside of the realm of possibility that someone would see us.
“If they don’t like it, they can look away,” Cass replied, distracted, already pulling down the top of my dress to expose my breasts. He fed at my mouth again as he pushed aside the small piece of fabric under my dress, finding me soaked and ready for him.
He separated our bodies just enough to pull himself over the waistband of his pants. He began to rub against my outside.
“But perhaps you want someone to see us, baby girl?” he teased, playing in my wetness.
I licked my lips before biting down on the knot inside of my lip again. The thought of someone watching Cass take me in broad daylight caused a jolt of new excitement to rush through me.
Cass let the pleasure of having guessed correctly shine in his eyes.
“That’s what I thought,” he said, then he buried the entire length of himself inside of me in one quick thrust.
I gasped so loudly people across the way could have heard.
“If we are going to put on a show, then let’s make it one worth watching,” he said, lowering his mouth to my nipple and licking it until it stood at attention before moving to the other one.
“Cass, you’re —”
But his thrusting stole the words of protest from my mouth, and I began to make small, breathy noises of pleasure instead.
“Unbelievably good looking?” he asked, driving into me at the same time as he pulled my body down onto him.
“God-like in between the sheets? Going to make you scream my name for everyone to hear? All true,” he teased, finishing my sentence for me.
It took a little maneuvering, but he stood behind me now, pinning me against the railing as he re-entered me. His hand was gently wrapped around the front of my neck, forcing me to look out at the sun shining over the rooftops of the Golden Court.
“I bet there’s someone watching us right now,” he whispered in my ear, bringing his other hand around to circle my front.
I threw my head back, resting it on his shoulder. The thought of someone watching us sent a thrill of white-hot fire through my core.
“You going to tell them whose cock’s buried inside of you?” he teased, thrusting into me.
“Cass,” I mouthed, trying to catch my breath as the throbbing between my legs built to a crescendo.
He separated our upper bodies, bending me further over the railing so I stared down over it. He lined his thumbs up with the dimples above my ass and lifted my feet off the ground so that he held me up by my hips as he drove deeper into me.
“I don’t think they heard you,” he taunted.
His thrusts became punishing. He drove himself to the end of me, making loud slapping noises reverberate from the balcony.
I screamed his name as he hit the back of me, causing me to peak, then crash over the height of my pleasure. Cass kept plunging into me as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me.