Page 12 of Everything For Love
It's now or never. I go inside and grab a six pack of bottles. Always bottles. And I pay in cash because that’s the only thing they take. I suppose that’s why the Q is still out on the sign. The books are cooked. Mind you, this is also the place in town that never looks twice at an ID, so I guess it’s no surprise. It doesn’t matter if the name on it says Santa Claus, they’ll let you buy beer. None of the cops in town have ever busted them because they’d all have to admit they bought beer illegally when they were minors. There isn’t a single person in town that’ll rat this place out.
In Beaumont, when you have a six pack of bottles, there’s only one place you go to drink it—the water tower—and hopefully Liam wins his legal battle against the city to keep it up. Otherwise, where will we go? Or rather, where will the kids go . . . because this place is for them. At least, that’s what us old asses keep telling ourselves.
I’m not surprised to see Liam’s truck when I pull in. In fact, I’m happy he’s here. I have to talk to him, man-to-man, something we’ve never been able to do. Honestly, I think he still wants to pound my head into the ground because Josie and I were together, and Noah calls me Dad. Thank God for Noah or I’d be dead.
“Liam!” I don’t yell his name but say it loud enough he should hear me. If I know him at all, he’s rolling his eyes and cursing under his breath. He hates me. I get it.
“What do you want, Ashford?”
Yep, totally hates me. But he likes my son and that’s what is important.
I climb the ladder and sit down next to him.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asks.
Instead of answering, I pop the top on a bottle and hand it to him, and then after opening one for myself, I take a long pull off mine. I have no idea where to start. “Josie called. She said Mack is welcome to come to Vermont after Christmas.”
“He is.”
I don’t think Liam knows how much that means to me. Or how much it means that I’ve had a relationship with Noah for all these years. Losing Josie was one thing, but losing Noah . . . I don’t think I would’ve been able to handle it.
“That’s good. Mack will like that.” I clear my throat.
“Is everything okay?”
I slowly shake my head and take another drink. Tears threaten to emerge, and I fight to keep them at bay. I’d rather jump off this ledge than cry in front of Liam Page. Can you imagine? “Aubrey’s going to South Africa, and she’s taking Amelie with her.” As I say the words out loud, I realize how fucked up the situation truly is, and how I’m left with very little choice in the matter.
“Well, if Mack needs to go with you guys, Noah and Paige will understand.”
I turn and look at Liam, despite it being dark out. Can he see the pain I’m in? The turmoil? “I didn’t tell Josie when she called, but uh . . .” I clear my throat again. “Aubrey’s moving.”
“I haven’t told Noah yet, either. I guess it’s odd that I’m telling you first, of all people, but . . . yeah. My wife wants to move back to South Africa. I’ve known this for a while but sort of brushed it under the rug. Mack is excelling in Beaumont and probably has a chance at a scholarship or two. She wants to take it all away, and I can’t have that.” There’s so much pain in my voice. I thought by saying these things out loud to him, I’d feel some sort of relief, but I don’t. “I never thought I would be in this position to have to choose my child over my wife, but here I am.”
“And Amelie decided to go with Aubrey?”
Nick nods. “A girl needs her mother. Amelie knows she can come back anytime she wants.”
“And Mack? How does he feel?”
“He’s hurt. Sad. Angry with his mother that she won’t reconsider. He doesn’t want to leave Beaumont. I think back to when I tried to do this to Noah, right after you came back, and Josie was adamant they stay. She was right. I want to think I’m making the right decision, putting my son’s future before my happiness . . . before mywife’s.”
We’re quiet for a moment, likely remembering the time when he came back for Mason’s funeral, and everything went to shit.
“Do you think it’s easier to decide to stay here with Mack because things are over between you and Aubrey?”
“As much as I hate to say it, Liam. I think you’re right. Aubrey hasn’t been happy for a long time, and I’ve ignored it. Hell, we don’t even sleep in the same room. Most nights, I fall asleep on the couch before going to sleep in the den.”
“Is there anything Josie and I can do for you and Mack?”
I’m about to ask the man who hates me, who would rather see me fall flat on my face, one of the most important questions of my life. “I feel like I need to go with Aubrey and make sure Amelie is settled. I don’t want to wonder if where they’re living is safe. Do you think Mack could stay with you while I do this?”
“Yes, of course,” Liam says without hesitation. “When will you leave?”
“Aubrey wants to leave when the kids are released for winter break. I know you’re leaving early. I’ll wait until after Christmas.”
Liam shakes his head. “Mack can spend Christmas with us. I think Noah would really like that. I know Paige would.”