Page 7 of Everything For Love
“I booked flights to Johannesburg,” she says.
“The day after they get out of school.” Aubrey stands and comes toward me.
I shake my head slowly. “No, and I’m done having this conversation with you. Tomorrow, you’ll hear from my lawyer.”
I put my unopened beer back in the refrigerator and head down the hall to Mack’s room. Knocking first, I open the door slowly to find him sitting on the edge of his bed, talking on the phone, with Amelie asleep.
Mack stands. “I don’t want to move,” he says quietly so as not to wake his sister. “Please don’t do this to me.”
“You’re not moving. Who’s on the phone?”
“Hang up and come see me in my office.” I shut his door and head to my office. It’s my space and the only place I’ll get peace right now. Seconds later, Mack’s sitting on my couch, which is also currently my bed. At least I have the keen sense of mind to fold my blankets in the morning so the space is somewhat presentable.
“I’m sorry for what your mom did at dinner. This is not how I wanted you and your sister to find out.”
“What’s going on?”
“I’m going to be honest with you. Your mom wants to move back to South Africa. Apparently, she’s wanted this for a while, but felt like she couldn’t say anything. I don’t think it’s right that she takes you and Amelie. In fact, I’m dead set against it.”
“I don’t want to go, Dad. Amelie does, though.”
I nod. “I figured. Honestly, I’m not surprised. She’s young enough to still adjust and forge a new path, but you . . .” I put my hand on his leg. “You have a lot going for you right now.”
“Please don’t make me go.”
“I’m going to do my best, Mack. I have to talk to a lawyer tomorrow and figure some things out.”
“Are you going to move out?”
“Definitely not. Your mom and I have coexisted for a while now. I’ll just have to watch where I step.”
Mack’s eyes rim with tears. “I hate her. She’s trying to ruin my life.”
“Hate’s a strong word, bud. Right now, your mom’s angry with me, and she knows this is how to hurt me, through you and your sister.”
“But why does she want to hurt me?”
“My guess is she doesn’t see it as hurting you but protecting you from me.”
Mack’s tears fall down his cheeks. I pull him into my arms and let him cry. I never wanted this for my children and never thought in a million years Aubrey would want it either. Both our parents are still married and going strong. This news is going to devastate them. Although, I imagine her parents are happy she’s coming back to them.
“Promise me something, Mack.”
“What?” he asks in a broken voice.
“If you can’t talk to me about something in your life, like how you’re dealing with the divorce, talk to Noah. Okay?”
Mack nods and wipes his tears. “Okay.”
The last time I sat in the chair at my lawyer’s office, it was for advice on how I’d adopt Noah. Liam had just returned, and my life circled the drain. Everything I thought I knew, thought I had, disappeared in the blink of an eye. Or the roar of a motorcycle engine in this case. The moment he came back to Beaumont, I knew there was no way Josie and I were going to last. She could have denied it all she wanted, but I knew the truth. She was, and always had been, head over heels in love with him. I was stupid enough to think I’d be enough for her to get over him. At the time, I probably was.
My lawyer comes into his office, clears his throat, and then sits down. He has a manila folder with him. It’s thin and lacking contents but I see my name on the front and imagine it’s on the tab as well. What a shitty client I am, never giving him any business. Not even malpractice. Maybe that makes me a saint. Who knows.