Page 25 of A Mafia Christmas
“Jesus.” Alastair tore from their arms but didn’t try to get through them again.
He heard the sirens and then two men racing up the stairs with a gurney. He heard them talking to each other and Beth, who didn’t respond. He’d never been so scared in all his life.
They wheeled her out, strapped to the gurney, and Aria by her side. There was blood all over the two women and some on the men.
He listened, and it scared him even more.
“We have to hurry. She’s lost a lot of blood,” one of the paramedics said.
The last thing he heard was Beth.
“Tell him I’m sorry it didn’t work and that he’s free now.”
“Just rest,” Aria said.
A few guys stopped him when he went to follow them.
“Jesus, let me go. I have to be with her,” Alastair said.
“Man, I think you’re the last one she needs by her side,” Trent said.
“I won’t bother her. I promise. I just need to be as close to her as I can.”
“Do you finally have your head out of your ass?” Mateo asked.
“Yes. She’s the only thing in my life that I deeply love.”
“Then why all this bullshit?” Trent asked.
“I hate admitting this, but I’m afraid. My mother bled out when she had me, so I didn’t want to take a chance with my Beth.”
“But she’s already pregnant.”
Alastair sighed. “I know. It’s my secret dream but also my darkest nightmare. I know I’m not dealing with this the right way. I’ve never had to deal with this type of thing, and it’s blowing me away.”
“You better learn quick, man. Or you’ll lose that woman for good,” Mateo told him.
“Stick by her side as much as you can. She needs you. You could tell her what you just told us. It makes sense,” Trent said.
Alastair nodded. “You can let me go now.”
They reluctantly released him when the ambulance sped away with its sirens on. Alastair rushed outside and jumped into his car. “Follow the ambulance.”
“You got it.”
Alastair held onto something when the driver took corners fast and had to slam on the brakes a few times to prevent an accident.
They pulled up, and the paramedics had already wheeled her in. He followed but was stopped at the door.
“I was told to keep you out, sir,” the huge guard said.
“She’s my wife.”
He shrugged. “I just do what I’m told. You can have a seat. I’ll tell the desk clerk to give you updates.”
“I’ll do that,” Alastair said. He called his driver. “Go home, but a few of you bring back one of the cars for me. I’ll be here a while.”
“You got it, Boss. I’ll put the key in the door of the gas.”