Page 29 of A Mafia Christmas
“No. It’s not the anger I feel. It feels like you tore my heart apart. The pain was excruciating.”
“I was having that same feeling, but you didn’t cause mine. I did that by pushing you away.”
“Would you ever come home to me?” His stomach twisted when she hesitated.
“I want to, more than anything. I’m just afraid you’ll do this again. I couldn’t handle it another time.”
“I want to tell you that I would never do this, but it will take time for you to trust me again. I know that.”
He walked closer to her and gently put his hand on her stomach. He was surprised it was harder and larger than he thought because her clothes always hid her body.
“I want to be involved with your pregnancy and the baby. Do you trust me enough to let me?” he asked.
She put her hand over his. “I absolutely trust you. I know you would never hurt a child, much less your own.”
“I’m so sorry about today. You looked so perfect standing on the stairs, and I knew I couldn’t have you yet. I pushed you, and because of that, you hurt yourself.”
He picked up the arm that was injured and brushed his thumb lightly against the bandage. He’d never forget the scream and then watching her being wheeled out, not knowing if she would survive.
“I won’t be able to go on without you,” he said.
“What do you mean?” Beth asked.
“If you … you know. Fuck I can’t even say it. Anyway, there’s no question I’d go with you.”
“What? No. You don’t mean that.” She grabbed onto his arm.
“I do with my whole heart. I can’t live in this world without you.”
He hated the tears that ran down her face. He sat next to her on the mattress, facing her, and wiped her tears with a thumb. “Please come home with me. I can’t be away from you another night. If you don’t want to, I can go to Aria’s to be with you if you’re more comfortable. Aria would love it.”
Beth giggled.
“Don’t tell her, but she’s the only woman I’ve been afraid would shoot me,” Alastair whispered.
Beth laughed. “I’d like to come home. The only thing is I don’t want them to know about this,” she said and raised the arm she cut.
He cradled it in his hands. “We’ll talk to Aria. She’ll have to get her staff and men to keep quiet, and I’m the only one that knows from our family. But you’ve got to know they won’t think any less of you. You’re the best friend, sister, daughter, and wife that anyone could want.”
Beth smiled and rolled her eyes.
“Do you want to do me a favor when we get home?” he asked.
“Get my father to let me in his room or talk to me. The first day I came out of my … I’ll call it my ‘disconnect from reality,’ he and I talked. He told me how angry he was and that he was disappointed in me. If you could get him to talk to me before Christmas…” He grinned.
“Alastair. That’s when the baby is due.”
“Oh, wow. That’s going to be great. The whole family will be thrilled.” He couldn’t believe how perfect that was, and he already knew one of the presents his Beth would get from him. He had the picture in his mind, and now he had to tell the maker what he wanted.
“When can you leave?” he asked.
“Kit told me the hospital has to hold me for seventy-two hours. They’re trying to let them keep me here and not the psych ward upstairs. The thought terrifies me.”
“Baby, you’ve got to know I would never allow it. No one is going to touch you except me.”
She smiled. “Will you come to get me?”