Page 29 of Daddy's Little 1
I stumble back to the living room.
Roman is gone.
And so is my letter.
I endup in front of James’ house, my anger and frustration aimed where they should be.
I understood in the beginning why he was upset, especially at me. Brenna is his daughter. I’m his best friend and much older than her. To him, it looked like I stole her innocence. He was worried I was using her. I get all of that. But how long can he hold a grudge against his child?
Brenna doesn’t deserve this. Especially after how our last conversation went. The way I behaved. I love her so fucking much that the thought of losing her guts me. But I can’t watch her slowly die inside any longer, a piece at a time, day by day.
Brenna needs us both.
I owe her this. I’m going to fix this for her somehow. Even if it means messing uphisface this time.
I get out of the car and march to his door. He opens it before I even get there, so I guess he saw me arrive.
“I don’t know why the hell you’re here, but you can turn around and fuck off back where you came from.”
“No,” I say, standing my ground. “You’re going to hear me out. If not for me, for your daughter. This has gone on long enough, you stubborn asshole.”
He pauses, his jaw tightening with anger. He’s white-knuckling the door, probably thinking about going for a round two.
But I’m prepared this time. “You had two free shots at me, but you won’t get a third. I’m ready to fight if that’s how you want to do this. And when I knock you on your ass, you’ll have to fucking listen to me.”
He shakes his head. “Hurry up and make whatever point you came here to shove down my throat.”
I don’t reply. I pull Brenna’s letter from my pocket and hold it out to him.
James’ eyes narrow, and for a moment, I don’t think he’s going to take it. But then he snatches it from my hand, opens it, and starts reading.
Minutes pass as he reads it again. When he’s done, his shoulders slump, and he leans heavily against the doorframe.
When he doesn’t speak, I plow ahead. “You can be mad at me. Hell, you can hate me for the rest of our lives. I get it. You see your daughter as innocent and me as some kind of predator. You think I lied, snuck behind your back, and betrayed you. You gave her to me for safekeeping, and I slept with her. That’s how you see it, right?”
He nods. “Yes, that's exactly how I see it. You’re not exactly helping yourself out here.”
“I’m not after helping myself. I told you, I’m here for her. Your flesh and blood. The daughter you’ve worked and fought so hard for. I can do many things to make her happy, but each day you give her the silent treatment, the more she loses a piece of herself. Pieces I’m ill-equipped to put back together. You’re robbing her, James.”
Pain flashes across his features. This has taken a toll on him. He’s lost weight, and he’s aged. “That’s rich. I’ll be here to pick up the pieces when it’s over. You took her from me. From the life she had going for her. From her future. So, look in the mirror as you say all that shit. All she has to do is come home.”
I yank at the door, forcing it open further so I can get on his face. “If it isn’t me, it’ll be someone else. She’s a grown woman, and her coming back home should not be a requirement for you to love her.” My voice is deadly cold.
I see a flash of understanding in his eyes, but then it’s gone.
I’m pissed now. “This is on you now, James. I know you’re hurt, but your daughter is hurting too. And when she hurts, so do I. You can have it all if you pull your head out of your arse. Your daughter. My friendship. You gave Brenna an ultimatum and you’re going to retract it because I love her, James. I don’t know why the thought never occurred to you. I’ve watched her grow up. I see how she shines. And she makes my world a better place. If you’re ever going to trust someone to love her as well as you, damn it, why can’t it be me?”
James pauses, looking me over. I know he’s choosing his words carefully. “She said you’re the best thing to ever happen to her, that she needs me in her life as much as she needs you. She said that in one of the messages she left on my phone. I’ve listened to them all.”
“Yet you haven’t replied. Not once,” I point out.
James sighs wearily. “No. And it’s hurt me more than Brenna. Because I’ve realized I don’t have a say in the matter. It’s not my choice to make or dictate. You’ve been my best friend since we were thirteen. I know you better than anyone, enough to know that when you care about someone, it’s for life.”
“Damn straight. I’d never hurt her because that would be like hurting myself,” I say gruffly.