Page 54 of Two Hearts' Christmas Homecoming
“Caleb’s passion is hockey, kind of like yours was for a while,” Dad said, giving Caleb a wide smile. “In fact, we’ve got some games to attend while you’re here, Lex.”
“You’re never around when I try to get you on Facetime,” Lex said, frowning.
“I can’t ever get a hold of you either. I’ve sure tried. Since I’m never sure when to catch you, I figured it had something to do with the different time zones,” Caleb admitted, looking him over. “You must work out all the time.”
“Yeah, well, they call it training,” Lex agreed, rolling his eyes when everyone laughed.
“Sit down and help yourself to breakfast,” Mom said, pointing at all the food laid out on the table. “It’s Amy’s last day of finals today so I told her to sleep in if she wanted.”
Pursing his lips, Dad gave Lex what was obviously a knowing look. It was kind of crazy how Dad still seemed to know everything that was going on under this roof.
Although Dad didn’t actually look like he disapproved, Lex decided as he focused on filling his plate.
When he picked up his fork, Amy finally made her entrance, wearing jeans and a red cowl-neck sweater.
“Look who’s here, Amy,” Arielle said excitedly. “Lex is home.”
When Amy looked into Lex’s eyes, he knew that she must have decided that it wasn’t worth pretending she didn’t already know.
“Yes, I know, Arielle. Isn’t that great? I was still awake last night when he came upstairs,” she said, winking at Lex. He was glad that she’d decided to keep the explanation simple.
But now Mom was looking back and forth between Amy and him.
“Does anyone need coffee?” Amy asked, smiling brightly. “Mom, Dad, Lex?”
“Sure,” Lex replied.
“I’ve had plenty already,” Dad answered.
“Me, too,” Mom said, holding up her hand. “Why don’t you grab the rest of the scrambled eggs from inside the warmer? I’ve been waiting on Matthew, but Lex is hungry too.”
“Okay,” Amy said, heading off into the kitchen.
When she returned a few minutes later, she rested a cup of coffee beside Lex and scooped the rest of the eggs from the pan into the bowl centered on the table. After another trip into the kitchen, she finally settled in with her own coffee beside Lex at the table.
“So, what are we all doing today?” Mom asked, glancing at Arielle, Ashton and Caleb. “Besides going to school, that is.”
“Since we’ve got a long week of decorating ahead, I thought that all of us might go out to dinner tonight at the Dragonfly Pointe Inn,” Dad said.
“Caleb? Does going out tonight work for you, or have you got practice?”
“Yes I do, but I should be home by seven,” he replied.
“Good. I’ll make reservations for eight, if that’s alright with everyone?” Dad asked.
“Sounds good,” Lex said in unison with Amy.
“We have a special luncheon going on today at the winery,” Mom said, glancing at Lex and looking apologetic. “I wish we weren’t so busy.”
“That’s alright, Mom. Don’t forget—we’ve got a couple of weeks to catch up for a change. I guess I’ll drop Amy off for her finals and we can pick up some lunch before or after.” He turned to Dad. “Want to join us, Dad?”
“Matthew and I will probably stick around here and help with the winery parking. It’s always worse on the weekends before Christmas.” Dad held up his hand. “No, we don’t need your help, Lex. I can tell you were ready to offer, but we’ve got it covered. You two go ahead and enjoy your day.”
If Lex wasn’t mistaken, Amy was looking a little guilty when she gave Dad what appeared to be a sheepish smile.
Dad cleared his throat. “Maybe Mom and I should have a talk with you two sometime soon?”
“That depends,” Lex answered.