Page 82 of Hot and Bothered
“Why aren’t you here?”
Tad’s laugh enveloped her like a warm, sexy blanket and sent her pulse soaring. “You know very well who it is.”
“No, I don’t. In a feminist pique, I switched out all the male non-relatives on my phone for something more generic. You’re showing up as Stud Number 4. It could apply to any anonymous chunk of man flesh.”
He sighed patiently. “You need to get your sweet ass over here. The pizza oven guy is in the kitchen, so I had to go home before I lost my shit on him. Now I’m all tense.”
“Go for a run. When I get tense, that’s what I do.” An out and out lie.
She heard a disgruntled noise. “Jules, I know you have a couple of hours set aside for gym time.”
“Exactly. Gym time. I’m turning into a giantgnocchiwith each passing day.”
“The singular isgnoccho.”
“The end result is the same. A pillowy blob with feet.”
He chuckled. “Come over here and burn some calories with me, baby.”
“Lines. Terrible.”Baby.How did he get away with it?
“You know I’ll take care of you.”
That’s how.Her body melted like hot butter in a pan and Bad Girl Jules came out to play.
* * *
Tad pulled her inside and smothered her with a kiss, sending her shopping bags to the floor in a thud. She loved his way of saying hello. She was sure going to miss his special greetings when all this was done.
A warm ache bloomed in her chest.
With strong, clever hands, he tore at her clothes. The zipper of her workout top got stuck but that didn’t stop him. He just peeled it off roughly, almost taking her head with it. She should have swapped out her cotton-practical and plain bra for something sexy, but it felt as if they’d moved on from that. They knew each other too well. The foibles and quirks. The lickable parts and the imperfections(hers, not his. The man had zero). They didn’t need to gussy it up with sexy lingerie or high heels. Not that she didn’t love the idea of turning him on like that, but knowing Tad as well as she did was a whole other level of intimacy.
That ache in her chest expanded. The closeness she felt with this beautiful man was unlike anything she had ever felt with another person. It was bound to happen with their friendship such as it was. She tried to suppress those wormy niggles of doubt about what the hell she was doing here.
It’s just a release. Just friends with a platinum benefits package. Just—
Her sweatpants were pushed a few inches south.Rip,there went another pair of panties and—ah, yes. All that hot, hard perfection slid deep and smooth inside her, the assault all the sweeter because she was knee-cuffed by the sweats and her thighs kept the passage narrow.
She thrust her fingers in his dark, mussed hair and mussed it some more. Held his face close to hers so she could look into those fathomless blue pools. She wanted to remember this moment when he had wanted her so much he skipped the pleasantries. When she was the unstinting focus of his world.
Inside her, he moved in long, fluid strokes, each one more far-reaching and punishing than the last. His hands framed her bum and held her in place for his pleasure. In his eyes, she saw a haze of feral desire, all aimed at her. Being the object of this man’s passion was intoxicating.
The moment when that look changed shot through her like a lance. Still a blaze of heat, but tempered with something else.
He stopped.
The tosser stopped and stared with…tenderness.
“Tad.” It carried a tone of warning. She didn’t want him to look at her this way, not now, not when she felt so dangerously unmoored.
He angled his head to feed kisses down her neck to the pulse at the base of her throat.
He teased her with swipes of his tongue and nibbling, soft sucks. His lips nuzzled a sweet trail along her collarbone, punctuating with a nip of her shoulder.
Branding her. Tenderly.