Page 23 of Slow Kind of Love
Boone grabbed Poppy’s hand, and, with a slight nod, the two of them left.
Strong arms wrapped around her, and she shivered as Link’s warm breath fanned her neck.
“Could have been worse,” he said, voice low and intimate.
“It could have been a lot worse,” she replied softly. Boone’s nose was still out of joint—she knew her son—but if she read things right, he had more of a problem with Link than he did with Elise. “We should go.”
Link offered his hand, and she accepted with a soft smile, already lighter because some of the weight she’d been carrying was gone. Boone knew her secret. She’d chosen to live instead of hiding from life.
The two of them walked from the shadows out into the sunlight, and for a few seconds, the reflection off the snow was blinding. When the dots disappeared and she was able to see, she immediately noticed a few women across the street, watching them.
Elise abruptly pulled her hand from Link’s and immediately felt shame as she bunched her fist and shoved it into the pocket of her coat. “I’m sorry, I…I just need…”
He moved in front of her, and his eyes, so dark and mysterious, regarded her in silence for a few moments. It was long enough for her to know she’d done the wrong thing. Long enough for him to hide his reaction.
“We’ll go slow, Elise. I promise. You’re in the driver seat. You say stop, I stop. You say go, I’m pulling you along with me.” His expression shifted a bit. “But I need you to know something. Need you to understand.”
Her heart started again, slow and steady, and even if the hounds of hell were headed straight for her, Elise wouldn’t have been able to pull away from his gaze.
“I told you before, and I’ll say it again, I’m all in with us. Whatever this is.” He leaned closer, and she held her breath. “I’ll follow wherever this leads. I just need to know you’re along for the ride. You said yourself this isn’t casual. And trust me, lady, it’s not.” He nodded to the side, where Shelli Gouthro sipped from a cup, trying her best not to look their way, while whispering into the ear of Brianne Hockley, who made no effort to hide her interest.
Elise followed his gaze and saw the speculation on Brianne’s face. Speculation Elise knew would be all over town before she walked through the front door of her home.
“Hey.” Link’s gentle voice brought her back, and she exhaled slowly, eyes on a man who made her blood heat, and her heart pound.
“There’s gonna be talk. There’ll be those who are small-minded. People who think they have a right to decide what your limitations are. Who’s appropriate and who’s not. They’ll want their say in what your happiness should look like.” He reached for her cheek, and God help her, she couldn’t resist him. Elise leaned into his touch.
“I’m hoping that happiness looks something like me.”