Page 29 of Slow Kind of Love
Chapter Ten
Link considered dropping by Elise’s place to see if she wanted a ride to her grandson’s hockey game, but decided to play things cool and just show up. He’d talked to her after his lunch with Boone, though she’d just arrived at her gym and it wasn’t a long conversation. She told him she’d call him back, and though he’d received no call, Link was feeling good about things and didn’t let it bother him.
Rose decided to tag along, said she’d take a cab home later, and the two of them walked into the arena five minutes before the start of the game. The place was packed, which at first surprised Link until he remembered it was a playoff game. It seemed as if the entire town had come to watch the young team face off against their rivals, who hailed from a town nearly two hours away.
Walter Sanders, an older gentleman who took their entrance fee and stamped the backs of their hands, grinned. “Nothing more exciting than when those Huskies come to play.”.
“Huskies?” Rose asked.
“You bet,” Walter replied. “The Haverstown Huskies are the only team that beat the Crystal Lake Comets this year.” He nodded and winked. “This series will be exceptional, you mark my words. And that there little Avery boy has really come along between the pipes.”
“Pipes?” Rose was clearly confused.
“You don’t know anything about hockey, do you?” Walter asked with a chuckle.
“Not really. It’s football that rules in England.”
“Well, you’re in for a treat. Hockey is the most exciting sport there is.”
“You’ve obviously never been to a football match in England.”
“No, can’t say as I have, but you let me know what you think.”
The lobby was busy, with folks lined up at the concession booth waiting on popcorn or soda or hot dogs and fries. Link spied Poppy near the entrance to the rink chatting with Molly Jacobs and headed in that direction, Rose at his heels. Poppy had already met Rose at the park the day before, so he introduced her to Molly, who promptly said hello and then told them she’d see them inside. Molly pushed through the double doors, and, with a shrug, Rose followed her, leaving Link and Poppy staring after them.
“Do I stink or something?” Poppy asked.
“I think it’s more that they assume we need a private moment.”
“Oh,” Poppy replied with a giggle. “So we can talk about the thing that everyone is talking about and pretending they aren’t?”
Link shot a look over his shoulder and noticed the covert glances and whispered words. Some people, like the lady in the blue knit hat, didn’t bother to hide her interest. She pointed at Link and leaned closer to her friend.
“How bad is it?”
“Considering my old neighbor, who is over eighty, stopped in the shop specifically to ask if Elise Avery was stepping out with a man half her age, I’d say you’re the topic of most folk’s conversations.”
“So DEFCON status?”
“At least.”
Huh. It couldn’t be that bad. “I’m sure the old bat didn’t come to your place specifically to gossip about me and Elle.”
“Well, first off, she’s not an old bat. She’s a sweet little old lady who just happens to like minding everyone’s business. But in answer to your question, she’s never been to my boutique. She came two minutes after I opened, she asked, and she didn’t buy. So yeah, she was invested in the gossip, that’s for sure.”
“What did you tell her?”
“The truth.”
“And what’s the truth?”
“That you’re not in your twenties and you’re a lot older than you look.” Poppy took a step toward the double doors.
“I’ll take that as a compliment even though it doesn’t sound like one.”
“Take it any way you like.” Poppy pushed on the doors and paused. “It’s nice you came to watch Benji even though Elise isn’t here.”
What? Link didn’t reply, but followed Poppy into the cold. Where the hell was Elise? She’d mentioned the game this morning and he knew she’d planned on attending. What was more important than her grandson? Why had she not called him back?