Page 38 of Slow Kind of Love
Chapter Thirteen
February gave way to March. It came in like a lion, bringing a foot of snow that rattled the windows like bones in the wind. As Elise stared out the window at the falling snow, she hoped the month went out like a lamb. She was a long way from the young woman who used to love winter and all it entailed. Snowmobiling, tobogganing, skating, snow forts and snowball fights.
She still loved hot chocolate and a walk along the river, however these days winter for Elise meant shoveling the driveway because it was good exercise not enjoyment, bad driving conditions because of bad drivers and bad weather, and shorter days with no sun.
“I’m officially old,” she murmured, turning away from the window. A glance at the clock told her she was running behind, and with Pancake nipping at her heels she headed for her bedroom and the shower.
It was Saturday evening and she was entertaining. If the weather behaved itself that is because in this part of Michigan Mother Nature could turn on a dime.
She quickly shed her clothes and jumped under the hot spray, and about forty-five minutes later she’d just finished getting dressed after spending extra time on her hair and makeup, when the doorbell rang.
She swore underneath her breath as she headed down the hall, wiping her suddenly sweaty palms along the top of her jean-clad thighs. God, she was acting like a nervous Nelly. Happy with the smells from her kitchen she opened the door and her heart immediately jumped into her throat making it hard to breathe.
Pepper ran past her, eliciting a round of barks from Pancake, and the dogs disappeared to the basement, while Link stood there dressed in leather and jeans, holding a bouquet of fresh flowers, a bottle of wine, and looking at her in a way that made her knees weak. He hadn’t bothered to shave and his jaw was shadowed. It was definitely a good look on him, gave more definition to his already chiseled features. His hair was still damp along his collar, as if he wasn’t long from the shower, and that fresh woodsy scent she associated with him teased her nostrils.
“Can I come in, luv?”
She wasn’t sure when he started calling her that, but it sounded damn fine rolling off his tongue. Elise stepped aside and he walked into her home, handing her the flowers and wine before sweeping a kiss across her mouth. “You look good enough to eat.” He winked. “I look forward to dessert.”
Elise blushed. At her age. She shook her head and moved to the kitchen to put the flowers in water, while Link doffed his boots and leather jacket.
“You’re wearing my favorite jeans.” Link’s voice was husky and he was just behind her, his hand at the small of her back before he slid down and cupped her butt.
“Thank you for the flowers.” God. Was that her? She could give Marilyn Monroe a run for her money.
“Pretty flowers for my pretty lady.” Link moved the hair from the back of her neck and pressed a kiss to the sensitive skin behind her ear. Her body immediately reacted and she sighed softly, loving how his touch made her feel. She leaned into him, her mind clear of everything except the man at her back, and when his hands wove around her body and cupped her breasts, she moved suggestively, grinding her butt against him.
“Keep that up and we’ll be in a very delicate situation when your son arrives for dinner.”
Son. Dinner. Shit!
Elise cleared the fog from her head and Link gave her some space. His erection was obvious and a devil of a smile played around her mouth as she looked at it. She’d put that there. She felt powerful. Beautiful. Sexual.
“Seriously, Elle, you need to stop looking at me like that or I will have you naked on that table in two minutes.”
The doorbell rang just then. “Saved by the bell,” she chuckled.
“I’ll get it.”
She placed the vase on the dining room table while Link opened the door for Heather, who was accompanied by her husband, Reg. Elise knew this was coming and she pasted a smile to her face, waving hello from the kitchen as they closed the door behind them.
Heather was still up in the air where her husband was concerned, but he’d begged forgiveness and while she hadn’t given him what he was looking for, she hadn’t kicked him out of the house either. She’d told Elise she was stuck at the moment, afraid to move forward but knowing the status quo couldn’t last forever. They’d taken some baby steps, yes, but still…
Reg looked uncomfortable—not surprising, since Elise knew about his infidelity—hell, most of Crystal Lake knew he’d stepped out on his wife, but Link welcomed him warmly and while Elise poured Heather a glass of wine, the guys started talking about hockey and cars and whatever else it was that men talked about. She took them each a cold beer, and scooted away when Link winked at her.
“You look smitten,” Heather said, leaning against the island.
“That’s an interesting word. Sounds like something our mothers would say.”
“It does the trick.”
“So?” Elise asked, sipping the nicely chilled pinot grigio. “How are things?”
Heather’s smile faltered and she shrugged. “It’s hard and I’m not sure what we’re doing exactly, but we’re doing something and I supposed that’s better than nothing.”
The door opened just then and Poppy walked in, followed by Boone. Her son stomped off the snow from his boots, and then complete silence. He glanced over at Elise and nodded, just as Link offered to take the bottles of wine he’d brought. The two men shook hands, the way guys do, Reg joined them and grabbed a tray of sweets from Poppy, and then conversation flowed just as it had before Boone and Poppy had walked through the front door.
“See?” Heather said, as she reached for a bacon wrapped jalapeno and popped it into her mouth. “It’s like riding a bike.” She looked at Poppy. “Or Link.”