Page 15 of Cover Me Up
“I didn’t leave on you, if that’s what you were wondering.”
Millie hid a scowl and schooled her features into some semblance of calm as she followed the heavenly scent of coffee out to her kitchen. Cal leaned against the island, his gaze on the window. Her eyes found him immediately and lingered on his strong profile. That old familiar tug had her insides a mess, and she looked away, unhappy with the power he held. She needed to think of the other things, the dark things between them, and then she’d be okay.
“You still have the Martin.”
The guitar was lying where she’d left it the night before, on the sofa to their right. It was a beat-up, well-used acoustic, with delicate pearl inlay and a fret board that didn’t quit. Cal had given it to her one hot summer night, the day after her seventeenth birthday. And she’d given him so much more.
“I do,” she said, clearing her throat a bit as she blinked away the memory. “What’s so important you came all the way out here?” She grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured herself a coffee. She added cream and two sugars, and when she had a hold of herself, moved to the other side of the island and looked up. Cal’s eyes were on her, their blue depths steady, and she was glad she had something in her hands to focus on. Bridgestone wasn’t making this easy.
“I can’t find Ry.”
She frowned and sipped from her mug. “What do you mean you can’t find him?”
Cal shrugged. “I haven’t seen him since I got back. He hasn’t been to the ranch, so I swung by the school, and Mrs. Crabtree told me he hasn’t been to class in a few days. She figured he was at the hospital, but Mackenzie says he’s been a no-show.” His eyebrow rose. “The kid’s seventeen. Should I be worried?”
Millie cradled the warm mug between her hands and chose her words carefully. “Ryland’s a good kid, but he’s had a lot of freedom. Bent’s busy running the ranch and he’s got Nora to worry about. No one’s fault, but Ryland does push the boundaries a bit.”
Cal set down his mug and moved closer. “What do you mean by that?”
Millie considered him over the rim of her coffee cup. He was worried, and she figured it was best not to sugarcoat anything. “He got into some trouble a while back. Underage drinking.”
“That’s not anything we didn’t do at that age.”
“No, you’re right about that, we all did stupid things when we were young, but Ryland stole a car and drove drunk, then ran it into the guardrail out on Dry Creek Road. He’s lucky no one was hurt, and real lucky that Sheriff Milson is a family friend. No one knows about it except Bent, the sheriff, and me. I found him on my way to work.”
“Shit,” Cal muttered. “I had no idea.” His eyes darkened. “Why the hell wouldn’t Bent tell me that?”
“You don’t live here anymore. You’re on a different plane of existence. When’s the last time you checked in with Bent? When’s the last time any of us even crossed your mind? You’re not a part of Ry’s everyday life.” She shrugged. “You’re not a part of anyone’s life here. Not anymore.”
She noted the way his head whipped up. “Those are facts.” Millie wasn’t entirely sure she’d been able to keep the bitterness from her voice, but she sure hoped so. She was supposed to be over this man.
I am over him.
At least, that’s what she needed people to believe.
“Who does he hang out with?” Cal asked after a few moments.
“His buddies are the same ones he’s always had. Jake Malone, Frankie Shetts, and Whit Danver. But those boys are diehard jocks. and I doubt they’re skipping school. Football is life, and there’s a chance they’ll make state.”
“Ryland isn’t on the team?”
“No, he quit last year.”
Cal swore under his breath and glanced out the window. “He got a girlfriend?”
“I don’t know exactly. The girls have always flitted around him like rabid butterflies, but up until lately, he’s never dated anyone exclusive that I know of. He’s been by for burgers with Carly Somers a few times, but I don’t know if they’re serious.” She saw Cal’s worry and softened her voice. “You might want to swing by the Founder’s Cabin. I know he’s been spending time up there.”
She saw the shock on Cal’s face, and she understood it. “Ryland is looking for something, some kind of anchor. His experience with your dad is a lot different from the one you had. Your dad has changed, or at least he’s trying.”
“He still drinking?” Cal’s voice was hard.
“He says he isn’t.”
Cal didn’t reply, and for a moment or two, there was silence. Mr. Higgins jumped onto the counter beside Cal and began to headbutt him, purring so damn loud, it was disgusting.
“Seriously?” She scooped the cat from the counter and put him on the floor. “You know you’re not allowed up here.” A scowl made its way across her face when the cat immediately leaned into Cal’s legs, tail twitching as he meowed loudly.
“Since when do you like cats?” Cal asked, bending down to pet Mr. Higgins’s head.