Page 41 of Cover Me Up
Millie blushed when she thought of how she’d coerced Taz into pretending to mean something to her, which obviously hadn’t lasted longer than a day or so.
“No. He’s just a good friend.” Her eyes widened as she looked at her friend, an idea forming. “He’s hot.”
“I heard that too.”
“Sounding better.”
“Could be the one to help you with that bike riding problem.”
Ivy giggled at that. “I doubt I’ll be in town long enough to work my way up to that. I’m not really a one-night-stand kind of girl, but thanks for thinking of me.”
Millie’s smile faded a bit, and she nodded. “Right. When do you head back on tour?”
Ivy swished the wine in her glass. “Not until after the New Year. We rescheduled Cal’s Australian dates and his other European stops. We’ll be pretty busy mid-January through to the summer with breaks here and there.” She paused, eyebrow raised. “About you and Cal. Are you sure it’s a good idea?”
“Hell, no,” Millie replied lightly. Her chin quivered, and suddenly, a wave of emotion rolled over her. She lowered her gaze and picked at the edge of the sofa. “I can’t seem to help myself.”
Ivy reached over and gave her a hug. “Just so you know, I’m pretty sure he feels the same. He’s never been with anyone longer than a minute. Not in the entire time he’s been away from Big Bend. He’s never met anyone like you.” She sat back. “He’s not looking.”
“He’s too busy to look, but one day, he’ll find someone who fits into his life.” She shrugged. “You and I both know it’s not me.”
“I wouldn’t be so quick to say that, Mills. It’s like the two of you fit in a way that’s special.” She sank back on the sofa. “God, that video. I mean, watching the two of you together was like, like it was always supposed to be that way. I just wish you could…”
“Could what?” Millie asked.
“Figure out how to make it work?”
“That will never happen. I won’t leave Big Bend, and he won’t stay. I never quite understood his need to leave, and he couldn’t understand why I couldn’t. I don’t want to live away from this place. Suitcases and hotels are not for me. I need room to roam. I’m happy with simple. With Big Bend and the view from my window. I’m happy singing to the crowd at my bar when I feel like it, writing songs for myself and no one else. Cal needs so much more than that. This county isn’t big enough for him. Hell, the entire state doesn’t even come close.”
Ivy digested her words and then whispered, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Millie Sue replied, attempting a smile that fell flat. “I’ve learned that you can love someone with all your heart, but you’re not supposed to be with them. Cal is that person to me.”
“How does that make you happy?”
“It doesn’t really.”
Ivy shook her head. “How do you live that way?”
Millie sighed and took another sip from her wineglass. “When I figure that out, I’ll let you know.” She jumped to her feet. “Can we change the subject? Cal Bridgestone isn’t a part of this girl’s night. I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Let’s eat some chocolate, lament the sad state of our love lives, and figure out a way for you to get back on the bike.”
Ivy held up her empty glass.
“You had me at chocolate.”
Sunday evening broughtwith it a fresh dumping of snow that made Triple B Ranch look like a picture-perfect postcard for Montana tourism. Cal and Ryland had spent most of the day helping Dallas and the ranch hands take feed out to the cattle—large bales of hay to help supplement any grazing now underneath the white stuff.
It had been a long time since he’d gotten his hands dirty and worked a physical shift, and as far as Cal was concerned it beat hitting the gym any day. He missed it. Being out in the open air, working with the animals, hanging with the men who made the entire operation work. None of them treated him differently. To them, he was just a Bridgestone who worked the ranch, not a singer or celebrity or any of that. It was refreshing. Afterward, they’d cooked up some steaks and, with full bellies and a couple of cold beers, spent too much time reminiscing about their younger years.
He felt light. Like a part of his soul had been replenished. Cal knew it was more than being on the ranch. It was because of Millie Sue.
He couldn’t stop thinking about her. About the other night and all the things they’d done. He smiled at the thought.
“You look funny again.” Startled, he cleared his throat and looked down at his niece.