Page 122 of Fall
He slams the doors just before Elijah can reach them. Elijah pulls on the handles, but the doors don’t open.
“Assholes, stop playing around and open the damn door!”
He bangs on the door a few more times but gets no response. He waits another minute and shouts for them. But again, no response.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he grumbles and walks to the mini bar.
I go to try to open the doors out of sheer panic, pulling on the handles as hard as I can. Elijah is the last person I want to be stuck with.
“Taylor!” I shout. “At least give me my gun!”
Elijah downs a mini bottle of Jack Daniel’s and slams it on the desk.
“This is all your fault,” he growls, and my head snaps in his direction.
“How the hell is this my fault?”
“You shouldn’t have come back. You should have crawled back into whatever hole you clawed yourself out of,” he says, shaking his head. “We would have all been better off without you.”
My eyes roll as I walk to the far side of the room and take a seat at the small table.It’s going to be a long night.
“Whatever,” I say and lay my head on the table.
He chuckles. “Whatever? That’s all you got? With a friend like you, who needs enemies.”
I scoff. “You wouldn’t know what a friend was if it bit you in the ass.”
He grabs another bottle from the fridge. “And to think, you did all of this for who? Bianchi? Oh wait, let me guess… You fucked him too. I suppose selling yourself isn’t—”
Before he can finish, I pick up the lamp that’s directly in front of me and throw it across the room, narrowly missing Elijah’s head.
I smile. “Damn. I missed.”
Elijah rushes toward me, knocking over a chair, and I immediately run for the door.
He grabs my wrist, pulling me to him, and then slams my back against the wall.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he growls.
“You! You’re what’s wrong with me.”
He invades my personal space and leans in closer.
“Do not test me, Evelyn. I will hurt you.”
I can’t help but stare into his steel-gray eyes and get lost in glimpses of the boy he used to be.
“It’s too late for that,” I whisper. “Try a new threat.”
He leans in farther, brushing his lips to my ear. “I hate you.”
“The feeling is mutual,” I whisper back. “Now back the fuck up.”
He inhales deeply. Despite my request, he doesn’t make a move to back away, so I take this opportunity to greet his balls with my knee. With a grunt, he hunches over. I try to slip out of his grip, but to no avail.
Elijah grabs both of my shoulders and slams me harder against the wall.