Page 130 of Fall
“I’ll be okay,” I answer, pretending that my insides aren’t decaying and rotting out.
The guys all sit at the breakfast table when a phone starts to ring. Celeste lifts the phone from the counter and glances at the screen.
“She keeps calling,” Celeste says, handing me the phone.
“Dr. Lewis. She’s been calling since yesterday.” She shrugs. “I didn’t know if I should answer it, so I just let it keep rolling over to voicemail.”
“Thanks, Cele...” I say, letting reality sink into my bones. “For everything.”
My phone stops ringing but I can see that there are fifteen missed calls and two voicemails, all from Dr. Lewis. It must be important for her to be that persistent during spring break. It makes me wonder.Did she see me at the gala?
Shaking out my shoulders, I push the shit I’m not ready to deal with out of my mind, but before I can call Dr. Lewis back, my phone rings again in my hand.
“Hey, doc,” I answer. “Sorry, I missed your calls. I didn’t have my phone.”
“Oh, Evie, thank goodness. I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to reach you.” She sighs in relief. “I’m sorry to bother you, but is it possible for you to stop by my office today?
“Did you forget that it’s spring break? We don’t meet for at least another week.”
“I realize that, and I wouldn’t normally bother you, but it’s important. I’ll be here for another couple of hours getting some work done, if you can make it.”
I shrug my shoulders, forgetting that Dr. Lewis can’t see me. Four sets of eyes stare at me in the kitchen—two of which look panicked. I could probably use this as an excuse to get some space for a few hours.And some answers.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in about an hour.”
“Great. Thank you, Evelyn. See you soon,” she says in a rush and disconnects the line.
Celeste is the first one to question me. “What is it?”
“She wants me to meet her in her office,” I answer.
At my comment, Caleb and Micah both jump up.
“Relax, guys. I’m a big girl. I can go see my therapist without the cavalry,” I say, raising my hands.
“I can take you,” Micah offers, but I shake my head.
“Space, Micah. I need some space.”
Celeste chimes in. “Taylor’s taking me shopping. So, we can drop you off on the way.”
Taylor’s eyebrows shoot up, and I attempt to cover my grin.
“I am?” he questions and quickly corrects himself. “I am,” he declares, and I chuckle.
Caleb and Micah are wide-eyed with worry.
“I don’t like the idea of you being on campus, alone,” Caleb grimaces.
“She’s not going to be alone. We’ll drop her off and pick her up,” Celeste says, rolling her eyes.
I rub at my temples. “I’ll be fine, Caleb. She’s my therapist. I’ll be back. I promise.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk with you?” Celeste asks for the second time while Taylor loops around the Stratham U parking lot.