Page 30 of Fall
Yes. The prick is back in my class. And if Caleb’s presence is the icing for today, then Genna’s appearance in this class is the motherfucking sprinkles. For the entirety of the last forty-seven minutes, I could feel Caleb’s hazel eyes burning the back of my skull.
I casually scan the room, trying to ignore the dumb shit sitting next to me who keeps trying to pass me a note like we’re in high school. I turn to my left, giving him my back, and look behind me, only to find Genna glaring at Caleb.
Looks like there’s trouble in paradise.
“You have all been provided with the syllabus for this semester. Assessments are due at the end of the week. I highly advise you to work ahead and not wait until the night before deadlines. I don’t accept late assignments. Period.
“As a side note, I’d also advise staying off the internet for a while. It’s apparent that there are some students with lesser class who have slipped through the cracks at Stratham, but don’t let that distract you from your studies,” Professor Wessex says before dismissing the class.
I have a feeling I know exactly what he’s alluding to, and I would be mortified if I weren’t already angry.
The professor looks in my direction. “Ms. Hawton, I’d like to speak with you for a moment.”
Sigh. Will it ever end?
I grab my backpack and head to his desk. “Yes, professor?”
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, Ms. Hawton, but posting a video of yourself for the entire student body to view is completely inappropriate. If you’re trying to pick up clients, do that outside of this school.”
“I’m sorry.” I scrutinize, leaning forward to make sure I heard him correctly. “Wanna say that to me again?”
This man has no idea how short my fuse is today, and if he thinks that I’m going to keep taking shit, he’s sadly mistaken. But before sound even gets to leave my mouth, someone grabs my arm just under my armpit with such force that I have to lift my shoulder to alleviate some of the pain.
I snap my head to see that it’s Caleb who has my arm in a vice grip. His nostrils flare as his hazel eyes stare down the professor. The room gets colder with each millisecond that ticks by.
“I will deal with you later, professor.” His voice is so low that his words sound more like a growl.
Professor Wessex shrinks in Caleb’s presence and drops his eyes to the floor the way a predator would submit to their alpha.
I try to pull my arm out of Caleb’s grip, but he just squeezes tighter. He looks down at me, and I’m pretty damn proud that I don’t cower, because holy hell, he looks fucking scary right now.
“You, I will deal with now,” he says, pulling me out of the classroom like I’m nothing but an errant child.
Once we’re outside, I yank down hard, freeing my arm from him. “I can handle myself, thank you very much,” I say, rubbing my arm. My skin burns in every place his fingers touched. “You know, you’re really giving me whiplash. You and I both know you hate me, so stop coming to my fucking rescue.”
Waves of anger still roll off him, heating the air around us. He steps closer to me, and I move back at the same time.
“That’s where you’re mistaken, baby girl. I’m not coming to your rescue. I’m making sure everyone understands that the only person who gets to treat you like shit is me.”
I scoff and look away. “Is that what you call it, Caleb? Making sure no one else pisses on me?”
I take a deep breath in to steady my racing heart and raise my chin to stare directly into his eyes. “Now who’s lying?”
Time passes by as both of us just stare at each other. His nostrils still flare. Neither one of us is willing to back down.
I cross my arms and cock an eyebrow. “Nothing to say.”
I wait another heartbeat before I decide that it’s time for me to go. I shake my head, reflecting mock disappointment. “Didn’t think so.”
I turn to walk away and shout over my shoulder, “Oh, and thanks for the video. Now I have a permanent reminder of exactly who you are.”
Rounding the corner, I’m greeted by the uppity blond who just doesn’t know when to give up.
Ha, ha universe. My day has now been graced by every ass at this school.
She struts in my direction, and I can’t help but roll my eyes.Here we go.
“Hello, your highness. What can this low-class peasant do for you today?” I bow my head slightly for added dramatic effect, hoping she can feel every ounce of sarcasm I put into the movement.