Page 41 of Fall
Ipass the receptionist’s desk, ignoring her as she bids me a good day. A good day? I’d settle for a mediocre day at this rate, but the universe seems to have a different plan for me.
Heading out of Stratham Hall, I can feel someone watching me. I scan the courtyard to find Caleb, Elijah, and Ryan fucking Metson hanging around Genna and her little sorority bitches.
When my eyes meet hers, she sends me a saccharine grin and has the fucking nerve to wink at me. A fucking wink! I would bet my inheritance that she’s the asshole who went to Dr. Weaver.
I’m going to kill that bitch.
I grip the straps of my backpack and keep walking towards the dining hall. I need to find Celeste, grab a bag of chips, and get back to my dorm.
I have to figure out what the hell I’m going to do if Weaver actually decides to kick me out. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I stay in this courtyard, I’m most certainly going to do irreversible damage, and I can’t risk that right now. So I just keep walking.
“It’s been that good, huh?” Celeste murmurs, falling into step next to me.
I don’t even bother with a reply and just keep walking. We get to the path that leads to the dining hall, but I keep walking straight to Emily Hall instead. In a matter of seconds, I’ve decided I need to forgo chips. I genuinely cannot be around people right now.
“Evie, where’re you going?”
I look back at her and sigh. “I can’t. Today has been shitty—like epic proportions shitty. I was gonna grab some chips, but I don’t even want to do that.”
“Oh shit. That’s major. Chips are like your only real sustenance.” She opts for terrible humor, and I roll my eyes.
“You’ve been hanging around Taylor too long. Oh, and speaking of which, the fucker owes me more than an extra day of coffee. Where the fuck was he this morning?”
She shrugs her shoulders and puts her fingers up to air quote, “Knight business.”
Fucking Knights.
This school wouldn’t be half as bad if those assholes didn’t insist on continuously invading my space and threatening to take away everything I’ve worked for at every turn.
Celeste pulls out her phone. Her thumbs dance across the screen, and she stares at me for all of ten seconds before she starts walking with me towards our dorm.
“Come on.” She puts her arm around my own. “I’ll make dinner, and Taylor will be on the way shortly with a double Sugar & Spice latte.
“Good, but I’m putting Baileys in it.”
She pats my arm with her free hand. “You got it, babe.”
We are met with stares and whispers as we go up to our room, but no one says anything to us. Celeste is getting better at walking with her chin up, so there’s that silver lining.
When she opens our door, she screams bloody fucking murder, and I instinctively grab my knife.
“Who the fuck are you!” she yells.
I push her out of the way and am met by a pair of dark sparkling eyes and a model-esque smile. He raises a glass of what looks like Celeste’s whiskey, and my shoulders relax as I put my knife away.
“Are you shitting me right now, Alik? Like seriously, what the fuck?” I chastise him like he’s a child. In some ways, I swear he still is.
He finishes whatever he was drinking, flips the empty glass over and folds his hands under his chin, his smile still in place.
“You’re a tough girl to find, Styx. Apparently, I’d been searching at the wrong school. Who knew?”
I shake my head. “If I wanted to be found, I would have told you. But that’s not the point. You can’t just come into my room uninvited, dick. You could have at least left the door open in warning or some shit.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” He chuckles and proceeds to help himself to our kitchen, grabbing two more glasses and Celeste’s whiskey.
“Excuse me, asshole. I don’t know who the fuck Styx is, but can you kindly get the fuck out of my kitchen?” Celeste says, finally finding her voice.