Page 48 of Fall
She reaches out to touch him again, and this time, he shoves her away. This girl just doesn’t want to listen. Less than a second later, she screams as her stiletto heel slips on the paved brick floor, and she falls into the pool.
I snort and start to laugh, but my laughter is halted as a pissed off Elijah comes storming through the crowd. I watch as he assesses the scene within seconds. I also notice how people within his immediate vicinity take subconscious steps back. Apparently, I’m not the only one to notice that Elijah is dangerous when he’s mad.
He reaches into the pool, grabbing Alexis by the bicep, and pulls her out like she weighs nothing more than a piece of paper.
“Hey, man, I didn’t mean—”
Waylon doesn’t get the chance to finish his words before Elijah turns around and, with one single clean hit, knocks the guy out. His friends catch him before he hits the floor, but he is most definitely unconscious. Elijah looks around at some of the other guys in the crowd, and they all raise their hands in submission.
A Knight, whose name I can’t remember, goes to Elijah’s side. “It was an accident, Eli. No one would push her on purpose.”
Elijah’s venomous stare makes me flinch for Alexis, but my empathy is misplaced, because all she does is give him a saccharine grin in return. That girl has seriously lost the plot.
He nods his head and then drags Alexis towards the other side of the deck area to where Caleb and Genna had been talking earlier.
In the shadows of the gazebo, I cross my legs Indian-style on the bench, ready for the show.Damn, I should have brought popcorn tonight.
I smile to myself about the ridiculousness of my thoughts. I shouldnotbe enjoying this.
“What the hell is your problem, Alexis? Do you not understand English? I told you to get yourself cleaned up before coming back here.”
She looks at him with big eyes and raised eyebrows. “But… but I missed you,” she whines, batting her eyelashes. “You haven’t come to see me.”
She fidgets with her fingers together, trying to hide the fact that they’re twitching.
“And hitting on every guy at this party is how you show that?”
“You weren’t paying attention to me. You had all those girls around…” She pouts and then hangs her head. “I’m sorry.”
He inhales deeply before speaking. “I don’t repeat, and I sure as hell don’t do this. You were instructed to get yourself cleaned up. You didn’t. You are an embarrassment, not only to me, but to the entire Greek council.”
Her eyes dart around her before landing back on him. “What are you saying, baby?”
He straightens to his full height. “I’m not your baby, Alexis. I’m saying that what you do or don’t do is no longer my concern. You want to run through lines of coke like it’s fucking candy, go for it. You want to embarrass yourself, by all means, do it. But not here, not tonight. We just initiated the future royal court for this goddamn school, and your sisters are supposed to look up to you. Go before you do any more fucking damage.”
I watch as she steps closer, and he simultaneously takes a step back. Alexis looks up at him, attempting to sway her hips as she continues to move forward, but her hands are jittery, and her walk is less than smooth. No doubt she’s coming down from her high, and it’s making her anxious.
He tries to walk away, but she grabs his elbow to stop him. “But, baby, I need you.”
“No, you don’t. Get one of your sisters to take your ass home, or better yet, rehab. Just stay the fuck away from me.” His words are quiet and cold as he snatches his arm out of her grasp and walks back to the party inside.
From the corner of my eye, I catch Genna’s back as she walks around the corner.
Hmm… I guess I’m not the only one who was watching the show.
* * *
“All right, asshole. I’ve waited long enough. I need a real dance partner,” Celeste says, walking up the gazebo steps. “Taylor sucks.”
“I’m not that bad,” he replies from behind her. His eyes lit with humor.
She rolls her eyes, and I smile.
“All right, all right. I’m coming.” I groan.
We walk through the small crowd lingering outside towards the back door, and I fill her in on the night’s events that she missed.
“Yeah, well. You missed Taylor trying to twerk on the dance floor. I swear, he lives in an alternative universe.” She fake gags and then laughs.