Page 50 of Fall
That’s all the command Taylor needs. The fucker leans down and grabs me around my thighs and hoists me over his shoulder like I’m a damn sack of potatoes.
“Put me down, you ass,” I shout, swatting at his back.
“Eves, stop fighting. I’m not letting you down.”
“Don’t be a fucking coward, Taylor. Put me down. He doesn’t control me.”
“No can do, princess,” he says, gripping my legs tighter the harder I try to wriggle out of his hold.
I push my hands on Taylor’s back, sitting up as far as I can from my position, and see Elijah smirk. His steel-gray eyes glow with cold humor before he walks into the crowd to where the boys are still fighting.
The crowd parts for him like his naked chest has some magical force field, and I’m able to catch a glimpse of Caleb on top of Benji, pounding his already bloody face into the ground. Parker tries to sneak a jab into Caleb’s side, but Elijah catches him with a right hook, clean to his temple, and he’s unconscious before he hits the floor.
As soon as my view is obstructed again by the watching crowd, I turn my attention to Taylor.
“I’m going to murder you in your sleep. Put me down.”
The fucker chuckles at my threat.
“It’s not going to be funny when you wake up castrated, dick. Say goodbye to Womb Raider.”
That makes him laugh harder.
“Aw, you remember his name. You’re cute when you’re angry, Eves.”
I grumble expletives that fall on deaf ears and see Celeste biting on her lips, trying to hold in her own laughter. I narrow my eyes on hers but give up on trying to fight.
Once we’re more than halfway to Emily Hall, Taylor decides that I’m far enough away to not try to go back. He drops me unceremoniously to the ground, and I curse, rubbing at my ass.
I scowl at him. “You’re an asshole.”
He just smiles and shakes his head. “You need to learn to listen.”
I scoff as I get up and walk ahead of them both.
“Wanna tell me why Benji was here?” he asks from behind me.
“Fuck if I know. I haven’t spoken to any of them since spring break.”
“Well, they’re not important. The Knights will take care of that. What I want to know is what you think about Caleb’s comment?” Celeste chimes in with excited curiosity.
The question makes me pause, and I turn around.
“What do you mean?” I question.
She shrugs her shoulder. “He said that Benji was trying to touch something that doesn’t belong to him.”
I roll my eyes. “What about it?”
I look over in time to see Taylor smile and then try to hide it when our eyes meet.
“What, Bryant?” My voice reflects the lack of patience I feel.
He raises his eyebrows. “Nothing.” His slow smile tells me that it’s anything but nothing.
“What? It’s just cute. That’s all” He tries to sound innocent, but he’s terrible at it.