Page 73 of Fall
“Goddammit, Micah. Get her out of here. Don’t forget about our meeting this afternoon,” Caleb says on his way out, slamming the door behind him.
I slap Micah’s chest. “You’re a dick. Get off me.”
Micah laughs as he rolls off the bed, walks over to his dresser, and proceeds to get dressed.
“It’s fine, Angel. I don’t care if he knows that you’re in here. I don’t care if any of them know. And for the record, I was about to get my dick wet—sloppily wet.”
I narrow my eyes and glare at him. “We are never doing that again.”
He straightens his posture, getting serious for a minute, and stalks over to the bed.
“Yeah, we are.” He leans over to kiss my forehead. “Whenever you’re ready, take a shower, get dressed, and take my car. I’ll see you soon.” He winks at me and closes the door behind him.
I stare at the ceiling for a minute and begrudgingly move out of bed. I take a quick shower, grab some sweatpants and one of Micah’s t-shirts, and head out.
As soon as I open the door, I’m greeted by a wall of a chest directly in front of me.
Oh, the joys.
I look up to see a very angry Caleb, and even though I know this is not the time or place to pick a fight with him, I can’t help but smile, much like Micah did earlier.
“Why are you here?” His voice is gruff. He crosses his arms expectantly, and I snort.
I raise an eyebrow at him. “Really? Do I have to explain this to you?”
He just nods his head and continues to block the doorway.
I cross my arms and mimic his stance. I wait the length of three heartbeats to calm my fear and gather my pretend strength. I lean slightly forward and speak.
“I was getting fucked.” I bite on my lower lip and continue to stare directly into his eyes.
I watch Caleb’s Adam’s apple bounce as he swallows his shock, his eyes locked on my lips.
“Get out,” he growls.
I wave Micah’s keys. “I’m trying to, but you have to move in order for me to do so.”
He stares at the keys in my hand, surprise written all over his face. “No.” Caleb says to himself, forgetting that I’m even here.
“I need you to move, Caleb.”
He shakes his head clear and goes back to staring at me, stepping closer into my personal space and leans forward.
“If anything happens to him; if you hurt him in any way; I don’t care what the consequences are… I will kill you.”
A cold chill runs down my back, but I smile as sweetly as I can and bat my eyelashes. “Whatever you say, your highness.” My smile falls into my resting bitch face. “Now get the fuck out of my way.”
Caleb’s eyes swirl with anger, and for a minute, it looks like he’s in pain.
“Is there something else you want to say?” I ask in the growing silence.
He swallows again but says nothing and abruptly storms off to the room next door.
I quickly walk down the stairs and pass the common room to head to the door. I look to my left and see Elijah shirtless, eating breakfast on the kitchen island. He looks up at the same time that I walk by, and I lose my breath. His eyebrows squish in confusion, but I hurry out the door before he gets a chance to accost me, too.
Or before I get stuck in the vortex of his storm.
Once I’m out in the fresh morning air, I suck in a deep breath and text Micah.