Page 50 of Thresholds
"Give her time," I said, my words rougher than intended. "Lolo will tell us soonenough."
Judy stared at me, her eyes flaring and lips twisting in frustration. Then she reached for a pillow and chucked it at my head. "You're getting on my last nerve. My very last nerve. I have a mind to make you sleep with thedogs."
She went for another pillow but I caught her wrist and flipped her onto the bed. My knees bracketed her hips and she was breathing heavy from the skirmish. "I'm still faster than you are, littlebit."
She laughed, and the ripple of her body beneath mine was enough to get my motorrunning.
"Oh, please," she said, waving me off. "You only catch me because I letyou."
"All these years," I said, thumbing open the buttons running down her shirt. "Have you been letting me win allalong?"
She nodded, saying, "Of coursenot."
I freed the final button and pushed the silky fabric away. There was nothing like the sight ofher.
"What's that face?" she asked, bringing her hand to myjaw.
"I still can't believe it," I murmured, my knuckles sliding up her belly. There was nothing softer than her skin. Nothing in the knownworld.
"Believe what?" she asked. "That I know all of your defensivemaneuvers?"
"That you're mine," Isaid.
She cast her eyes down, a shy smile on her lips, and said, "Believe it, buddy. Can't get rid of menow."
I yanked my shirt over my head. "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to remain absolutely silent. Waking the baby or the kids will immediately terminate the mission. No joy for this hop.Understood?"
She made a sour face and shook her head as she yanked my pajama pants down. "I don't want to playMission: Impossibletonight."
I stripped off her pants, and then mine, and returned to straddling her hips. My shaft was full and throbbing on her belly, but I wasn't moving until we finalized the rules of engagement. Silence was the target here. I was battle tested but I couldn't withstand the torture of discussing my sex life with my sonagain.
"What's your pleasure, little bit?" Iasked.
She rocked her head from side to side, humming as she considered this. "Let's play spygames."
"You can call me Bond. JamesBond."
"Pussy Galore," shereplied.
I worked hard at keeping my composure when my spunky little sorority girl made a point of dragging the wordpussyout. Truth be told, it wasn't always this way. It wasn't always fun or easy, and we didn't always know how to play the way we wanted. Needed. But getting the kids out of the house helped, and the unending vacation of retired life helped,too.
"You best be quiet, Pussy," Isaid.
"And if I'mnot?"
"If you can't stay quiet," I started, running my palm along her thigh, "there will be consequences. We can't risk the arms dealers finding out our location. If they hear us, they'll know. It will risk the entireoperation."
Judy quirked up an eyebrow. "Don't you think they have an idea where we are, Mr.Bond?"
I reached for the small bottle of lube in the bedside table and poured some into my palm. "They might have a clue to our coordinates, but we can't tip them off." I slapped the side of her thigh. "They'll bring the hammer down on thisoperation."
"I prefer your hammer," she said with awink.
"I know you do, Pussy," I said, running my slicked-up hand over my length. "I know you do." I squeezed her leg, nudging her. "On your belly. Face down. Bite the pillow if you have to because we need to keep this action off theradar."
She shifted, asking, "Is that why you pulled the bed away from thewall?"
I cracked my hand over her ass when it came into view. "Yes," I replied. There was no helping it. Every time I saw that round backside bare, I wanted to spankit.