Page 53 of Thresholds
"Yeah, I think we're maxed out on announcements. The secret marriage was plenty," Nick said. "We'regood."
"My pants are zipped," Riley said. "That's the best I have for youtoday."
"Let's get back to Matt and Lauren," Andy said. "When is this babyarriving?"
"Early July," Lauren said. "My plan is to make it through the schoolyear."
"There you go again with the plans," Imurmured.
"This is the best news I've heard all day," Judy said. "Isn't this the best, Bill? We need somechampagne."
The Commodore's gaze settled on me for a long, painful moment where it was obvious he was fighting off the knowledge that I'd defiled his daughter. "It's wonderful news," he said. "I'll rustle up the bubbly, Judy, don't youworry."
"You get the champagne," Shannon said as she pushed to her feet. "This kid is killing me. I need to walk around. I'll grab some sparkling water so Lauren doesn't feel leftout."
My father-in-law followed Shannon into the kitchen but not before tossing a sharp glimpse at me over his shoulder. I didn't think anyone else noticed as they were too busy lavishing my wife with well wishes but I sawit.
"Your dad wants to kill me," I whispered toLauren.
"No, he doesn't," she replied. "He's stoic, that'sall."
I was about to disagree with her but then glass shattered in the kitchen. Shannon cried out and Will was on his feet, sprinting into the next room with all of us in tow. We found her hunched over with the Commodore at her side, a broken bottle at herfeet.
"What the hell happened here?" Willasked.
Andy picked her way through the crush of people and bent to collect the chunks of broken glass. "Let's handle this first," she said. "No one move. Keep the dogs and kids in the other room. We'll get everything cleaned up." She spared a look at Shannon. "Are you doing all right,mama?"
"My water broke," Shannon said through agroan.
Beside me, Alex and Nick exchanged a glance. "This one is all you," she whispered to him. "I don't know the first thing aboutchildbirth."
"Bullshit," Nick mouthed. "That's really fuckin' false,Alex."
"What?" Will roared. "What are you talking about, Shannon? We have three more weeksand—"
"And this kid doesn't give a fuck," Shannon replied. "I started having contractions lastnight—"
"What do you mean you've been having contractions since last night? You didn't think to mention that highly critical news to me?" Willasked.
On my other side, Lauren rested her head on my shoulder. "One of these years, we'll have a low-key holiday," shemurmured.
"When did this start?" Will asked. "While we were in the city orafter—"
"After," Shannon yelled. "After we came home and had that longconversation." She shot a fierce, pointed glare in his direction. "I didn't want to alert you because you know that I usually have light contractions after vigorousconversations."
Behind me, Riley asked, "Does anyone else thinkconversationmight be code forsomething?"
"I don't think we're meant to ask questions right now," Lauren said tohim.
"That was eighteen hours ago," Willsaid.
"They slowed down," Shannon said. "But then they spedup."
"I haven't delivered a baby since my first year of residency," Alex whispered. "You take this, Acevedo. Call me when there's a peptic ulcer or some diverticulitis. Hell, I'll treat stomach viruses and acid reflux before I'll deliver ababy."
"Goddamn it, Shannon," Will said,groaning.
"You two aren't making me feel any better about this situation," I said to Nick and Alex. "Shouldn't you dosomething?"