Page 55 of Thresholds
Nick: The only reason to boil water is to give the father a chore when he's in theway.
Will: We're going rightnow.
Sam: Okay, so we're ignoring thefloors?
The Commodore: Got the kit,Doc.
Shannon: I'm not leaving yet. I'm notready.
Will: What, you'd like to wait another eighteenhours?
Shannon: I want to take a shower and spend some time with Abbyand—
Nick: This baby has a different plan,Shannon.
Riley: I'll boil the water. Just incase.
Sam: Fuck it. I'm getting thebleach.
Tiel: We'll stay with Abby tonight. Don't worry about athing.
Will: Peanut.Now.
Erin: You've got this. Go. We'll see yousoon.
The chaos migrated from the kitchen to the foyer and then into Will's SUV while I stood by, struck by the panic of it all. I wasn't ready forthis.
"This is going to be us," Laurenwhispered.
I tugged her closer to me. This moment felt too bright, too fast, and I didn't know how to respond. "Hopefully we won't follow this exact playbook." My stomach churned at thethought.
"We'll see," she said with alaugh.
"No, Miss Honey," I replied. "You're not allowed to go into labor without tellingme."
"You're going to be fine," Lauren said, squeezing my hand. "Weare going to be justfine."
We stood at the door, watching as the SUV's tail lights faded fromsight.
"What's the etiquette here? Can we finish eating?" Riley asked, looking at each of us. "I think Shannon would want us to enjoy this meal. It's not like we can do anything right now. She's the one with the vagina and baby and all of those things. We can't help with the birthing of the child. We can support her by enjoying this delicious dinner, and once it's finished, we can go to the hospital and meetTinkerbelle."
Andy gasped. "It's a girl? You knew? When did Shannon tellyou?"
Riley waved his arms at her. "Out of everything I just said, that's what youheard?"
"I vote that we eat," Patrick said, his handraised.
Riley pointed at Patrick. "Optimus is the boss. We have to do what hesays."
"My god, don't repeat that," Sam muttered. "He might start to believeit."
Chapter Fourteen
"Coordinates?"the Commodore asked as he pulled out of thedriveway.
"Just get on the damn highway, Dad," Will snapped, his phone pressed to his ear. "Shaw, unless you're handling an international incident, I expect a call back in the next minute. And if you are handling an incident, call me back and then callKaisall."