Page 31 of Prince of Envy
“My book?” Celeste looked between my brothers and Pru. “The one I found Vassago in? Why do you need that?”
Seere answered, “That book you released my brother from is part of a set. The owners of the others have a little vendetta against the forces of Hell, and we would like to level the playing field a bit.”
Celeste’s brow furrowed. “What does that mean?”
“Those diaries contain spells, charms, and other magical objects that have been passed down from generation to generation within the Order of Exorcists,” Gaap explained carefully. “The Order used the diaries through the centuries to hunt witches, demons, and other creatures of the dark. But now, their main focus is on us. The princes of Hell.”
Celeste was quiet a moment. I knew her heart longed to dissect the text and keep the rare find for further study. It was priceless and full of history that humans rarely got a peek at, but she’d also found me in its pages. What else would she discover in the weathered parchments?
“You just want the book?” she asked.
“And perhaps some help translating if things get dicey later,” Seere added.
“Are you going to hurt them?” Celeste retreated farther into my side, a silent bid for a way out of the implication.
I pulled her chin up to face me. “No more than they’ve hurt us.”
Realization dawned in her eyes. It would be retaliation for my fifty-year isolation.
“These priests have no mercy. They’re fighting a war that no one on either side called for in the name of a Father who has condemned them.” Gaap’s voice pulled Celeste’s attention from me. “I would not be here today if it weren’t for Pru. So, yes. To keep Vassago safe, we will need that book.”
He pulled Pru off his lap and plopped her on the seat next to Seere. Celeste tensed next to me but showed no fear when he came to stand in front of her.
“As the princes of Hell, we shouldn’t have to ask this of you. It isn’t part of the mortal design to interfere with our existence on this plane. But if you’d like to keep the man who has won your heart, then this is the way to do so. Because they’re coming. For all of us. And they will kill whoever is by our side.”
He looked back at Pru, who was absently rubbing her wrist. “I’ve promised to spend every moment of my existence loving and taking care of Pru, just as Vassago has to you,” he continued. “I need this favor from you to keep my word.”
I knew he’d said exactly what Celeste needed to hear. She nodded then walked to our bedroom. A moment later, she came out clutching the book to her chest.
“You’re going to use it to survive? Not hurt innocents?” She needed the lines in the sand drawn.
“No one is innocent, darling.” Seere made a show of dragging his eyes over her body.
She was wearing a silk pajama set. The shorts were short, but not as risqué as his insinuation was.
“Seere,” I said in warning. The only one he would get.
His rakish smile did little to convince me that he was done goading me or Celeste.
“I love it when you get angry, Vass.” Seere rolled his head on the couch cushion then looked at me again. “Reminds me of the good ol’ days. Remember that plague we started a few centuries back? You were rapacious. Your hair was also much longer.”
“How is that helping assure her that the Order of Exorcists is the enemy?” Gaap scolded our brother.
“Hey, no one forced them to drink the holy Flavor-Aid,” Seere said. “But she should know who she’s getting in bed with.”
Celeste squared her shoulders. “I know who you are. I’m not blind to Vassago’s power.”
Seere’s eyes met mine, and a knowing smile spread across his face. “I bet you do.”
“Fine.” Celeste shoved the book in Seere’s hands, clearly as annoyed with him as I was.
Seere yelped in pain and jumped up from the couch. The book dropped to the floor. “What the fuck was that?”
Celeste swooped it up again, tucking it close to her body.
Gaap laughed. “Oh right. Forgot to warn you about that. Those have a bit of a bite to them.”
“You asshole,” Seere said into his hands, which were bubbling with blisters.