Page 6 of Whipped Up
“We’ll see. Anyway, right now I’m so busy working at Lonnie’s.”
“He’s giving you some time off during the holidays, right?” I ask.
“Not until after,” she says. “I know, I know. Lonnie can be an asshole. But he doesn’t have anyone else working at the shop right now. He needs the help.”
“What he needs is to hire more help,” I grumble. I’ve never liked how her boss treats her.
“I know. I told him that. I’m sure it will happen soon.”
Haley helps herself to another cookie, then tucks her legs beneath herself as she gets more comfortable on my couch. I do my best to avoid looking at her thick, bare thighs.
“Are you taking time off over Christmas?” she asks.
I nod. I do business consulting, so I’m more or less able to set my own schedule. “Yeah. I’m taking at least a week off. Maybe more. Depends on when I wrap up the project I’m currently working on.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re not working nonstop. I hated seeing you burn out last year.” She takes a bite of cookie. “And your parents’ holiday party is right after Christmas, right?”
I nod. “Yep.”
“Well…I know you’ve got that pact going with your brothers, but if you don’t end up finding a real date, you can always take me, you know.”
I know she’s just being a good friend, making that offer. I shouldn’t read into it. I shouldn’t ask what I ask next.
But I do.
“And what if I want to bring you as my real date?” I ask.
Haley quirks her head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Am I really going to do this? Cross that forbidden line?
Yeah. Yeah, I’m going to. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot tonight, Haley. That’s what I mean.”
She stares at me, heavy silence falling between us. My heart is thundering in my chest and I know I just took a huge fucking risk but I couldn’t keep it to myself. I want her, and I need her to know that.
“Really?” Haley says quietly, and blinks a few times. “Wait…seriously, Mason? Are you really saying what I think you’re saying?”
I nod, carefully watching her expression. I want to be fully honest with her right now, but I don’t want to scare her, either. I’m not sure if what I’m about to say to her is too much.
“You’re the most incredible woman I know, Haley. And I don’t know if I was just in denial before or what, but I think you’re so fucking gorgeous.”
A blush comes into her cheeks as she laughs. “Shut up. I’m not gorgeous.”
“Yes, you are.”
“The dress I had on earlier was gorgeous, but I’m not—”
“Haley. Yes. You are. I’m not just talking about when you were dressed up earlier. I’m also talking about right now, with you sitting in front of me in a baggy t-shirt and boxers, with no makeup on and your hair in a scrunchie.”
Flustered, she says, “No one is gorgeous in a scrunchie.”
“I beg to differ.”
“Do you feel okay? Do you have a fever or something?” She presses a palm to my forehead. Finding no fever, she draws her hand away and chews on her lip. “Is this some kind of prank?”
“Why would I prank you like this?”
“I don’t know. I’m just confused.”