Page 23 of Call Me Bunny
I leave him on that note, mostly because I’ve depressed myself. I know Neil’s got the setup from here, and I’m kind of in the mood to log in to my own game. Though I played with Neil for a while, I haven’t actually logged on to my main character in days. Been too preoccupied.
Besides, it’s high time Bunnyluv69 and Noobslayer92 got back together.
Back in the control room, I grab my modified headset and put it on while my game connects. Bunnyluv’s avatar spins on the screen in front of me, waiting for me to click on her name and log her in.
I’ve known Neil through the game for what feels like ages. We did some endgame content together, and it was an instant connection. He justgetsme in a way that nobody else does, not even Bunny. We can game together for hours and never run out of things to talk about. It’s the perfect online relationship—if you ignore the fact that I’ve been lying to him the entire time.
Sure, Imeantto tell him my real identity … eventually. The right time just never came up. I mean, what is the right time, really, to tell a guy that you’ve been masquerading as a woman for months while cybersexting with him?
Well, now definitely isn’t the right time. I flip a switch on my headset and turn on the voice modulator, then load Bunnyluv.
The computer I loaned Neil is slower than mine, so I know it’ll take him a minute still to log in. While I wait, I read his in-game messages. He sent more while he was playing with Lightningkey, each increasingly more panicked and anxious. Great. As if I didn’t feel like a big enough dick already.
Our shared voice server blips as he connects.
“Bunnyluv!” The relief in his voice hits hard, and my heart aches for the worry he must have been feeling in my virtual absence. “Baby, it’s been a crazy couple of days.”
I listen quietly as he launches into a tale that I already know. He leaves nothing out, even telling “Bunnyluv” about having sex with Bunny. When he finally pauses long enough for me to respond, I’ve got half a stack from hearing all the juicy details. It’s one thing to listen in from the hallway outside the room, but it’s quite another to have it straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.
“Wow, baby! I feel so bad for being away for so long. I didn’t know you were hurt.” Such a fucking lie. “Are you feeling okay now? How’s your hand?”
Neil sighs. “It aches. I probably can’t raid for a while until it’s healed. But we can still do the daily quests together! I’ll make do with one good hand.” His voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper. “I’ve missed you, baby. I’ve needed to hear your voice again, and I promise to make use of my one good hand with you now …”
“My” voice. Right. God, I’m a jerk. He hasn’t even asked where I’ve been the past couple of days. Bunnyluv is never offline this long. So damned trusting.
I slip into the old routine with a heavy heart. I shouldn’t play with Neil’s feelings like this, but I can’t help it. I start detailing the things Bunnyluv—the thingsI—would do to him if she was there. I hear Neil’s hand slapping against his balls as he strokes himself in his room, and while he’s jacking off in there, I’m doing the same thing to myself in the control room. A stab of guilt hits me as I realize he probably thinks I’m playing with a pussy, not a dick, and a wave of confusing emotions washes over me. Neil loves the woman he thinks Bunnyluv is, not the man I am.
I never thought I’d meet Neil in real life. What were the odds? And now here I am, jacking off to the fantasy of him even as the reality of him is jacking off to my words in this very same building.
“You’re a fucking sicko, Keys.”
Kendrick’s voice startles me so much I almost fall out of my chair. I mute my mic and whip off the headset, typing a quick apology to Neil before I log out of Bunnyluv’s profile.
“Jesus, Kendrick! Knock first next time, asshole.”
He barks out a dry laugh. “Oh,I’mthe asshole? How long have you been playing him, Keys?”
“It’s not like that,” I say as I stuff myself back in my pants and zip up.
“Sure, it’s not.”
“Shouldn’t you be off screwing Doc or Bunny right now? Why the fuck are you even in my control room?”
Kendrick folds his massive arms over his even more massive chest, and for the first time since Bunny took me in, I’m actually scared for my physical safety around him. Kendrick hasn’t ever threatened me, but he’s imposing enough to make me worry that he might hurt me if I fuck up. It’s not like I’m a strong guy. I’m a computer geek, a nerd, a weakling in comparison to him. I could probably hold my own against Neil, even Doc, but Kendrick? He’d wipe the floor with me.
“Why are you pretending to be Neil’s game girlfriend?”
I roll my eyes despite my inner panic. “Jesus, Kendrick, you’re not that dumb are you?” When he doesn’t seem to catch on, I throw my hands in the air and stand up, ready to face the music. “IamNeil’s fucking game girlfriend, you idiot! Bunnyluv69 isme. Always has been.”
“Did you con him into going to the club? Is that why his coworkers lured him into that fucking nightmare?”
“No!” I run my hands through my hair and start pacing. “Fuck, no! I’d never do anything to hurt Neil. I had no idea what his coworkers were up to, and before you ask, I have no idea why someone fucked up his apartment. I’m worried about that, too. Neil’s not the type of guy to harbor secrets, but he’s gullible enough that someone could have been using him for something without him even knowing.”
Kendrick smirks. “You think?”
“Oh, shut up! I’m not using him. This is … different.”
“Uh huh.” He turns on his heel and stalks out of the room. “You’d better fucking tell him!”