Page 31 of Call Me Bunny
Rather than stop or pull away, Neil deepens the kiss, burying one hand in my hair while the other brushes my nipple rings. He’s tasting, testing, seeing how this feels, and though I love every second of it, in the back of my mind I worry he’ll up and leave without warning.
“Watermelon …” he murmurs against my lips.
What? I’m so fucking turned on I’ve lost track of the conversation. Were we talking about food, or is that some kind of safe word?
Neil chuckles. “The sucker. It makes you taste like watermelon.”
Oh, yeah. That thing.
I lick my lips as Neil lowers his hand to the waistband of his sweats. I don’t need to be a mind reader to tell that he’s just as turned on as I am; the stark outline of his hard cock under the grey flannel is enough of a hint that whatever I’m doing, I’m doing it right.
The corner of his mouth turns up in a wry grin as he lowers his pants just enough for me to see the flash of steel at his tip. “I can’t promise I’ll taste like watermelon …”
Oh, sweet baby Jesus! This is really happening!
My chair rolls back as I slide out of it, falling to my knees in front of him. Neil fists my hair and pulls his sweatpants the rest of the way down. His cock bounces and throbs. I grab the shaft, giving the pierced head a tentative lick.
I know Neil well enough to know that this is brand new territory for him. He’s been almost as isolated as I have, preferring the company of pixelated friends over face-to-face companionship. Still, while he’s dated and fooled around, it’s not the same way I have. I’ve been a bisexual nerd my whole life, always fascinated with both men and women, so when the jocks in high school and college needed their grades hacked to stay on the team, I took full advantage. I’ve had almost more cock in my mouth than lollipops. A part of me debates how to proceed. Should I show him my skills, or should I ease him into this world?
Neil reaches down and strokes my cheek. “Go ahead, Keys. I’m ready.”
Cocky. He has no clue what he’s in for.
I start off slow, licking and nibbling his long, velvety shaft. Neil doesn’t have the girth of some of the men I’ve been with, but he’ll definitely give me a run for my money in the length department. I can deep throat with the best of them, but damn! It’s been a while since I’ve been with a guy like this. Skills can fade if not practiced.
When I tease his tip, licking and sucking the cock ring so much that it rotates in the hole, he groans and grips my hair tighter. I take that as a sign to keep going.
“Fuck, Keys! I knew you had me get that for a reason, but I never imagined it would feel this good in someone’s mouth …”
His voice trails off as I take more of him in. With one hand wrapped around the base of his shaft, I ease his cock further down my throat, taking an inch at a time. Neil makes the hottest moaning and whimpering noises, and I find myself unbuttoning my pants to free myself from the constricting fabric so I can jerk off while I work.
Despite my earlier experiences, Neil is the first man I’ve been with that I’ve actually had feelings for. Somehow, emotion heightens the eroticism of what I’m doing. It increases every sensation, lighting my nerve endings on fire.
When I taste his cum at the back of my mouth as he shoots his load a bit early, I fucking lose it. I groan and jerk, coming mere seconds after he does. The floor now has a sticky white pool of cum on it, something I’ll have to clean up before the next time Kendrick walks in here. It’s such a satisfying sight when I release Neil’s cock and look down at the mess I’ve made. I wipe my mouth and let Neil help me to my feet. “I’m gonna need to find a—”
He interrupts me with another kiss, pulling me to his chest. Our exposed dicks rub together as our hips meet, making me half hard again.
“—mop,” I finish after he lets go.
Neil laughs and strokes my cheek again. “As often as we cyber in-game, I’d think you would keep one in here somewhere.”
Okay, he’s got me there. I have a stash of cleaning supplies in the server closet for just such an occasion. I show him where the mop is, and he’s actually sweet enough to help me clean up. Within minutes, the evidence of our dalliance has vanished, leaving a shiny spot on the otherwise dull linoleum.
Afterwards, Neil and I go to the cafeteria for a snack. Kendrick’s nowhere to be found, so he must still be watching over Bunny. We sit down at a table and munch on some stale chips, sharing the bag.
“So … How long has Bunnyluv been a thing?” Neil asks between bites. “I mean, obviously she existed before you met me, because you were already max level.”
My cheeks heat with a fiery blush. “Yeah. I started the toon because I wanted to fuck around with guys online. So many dudes go apeshit when they think they’ve met a gamer chick. It was just some stupid, mean fun. I swear it wasn’t like that with you, though! You were always nice to Bunnyluv. You never treated her—me, I guess—like some piece of cyber meat. Even when we were fooling around, you were always so sweet.”
It’s Neil’s turn to blush. “Well, you deserved sweet. The way you helped me finish leveling? That was nicer than most.”
We share a laugh as we remember when we first met in-game. Neil had gotten his character stuck in an upper-level cave when a major game event was going on, and he would have been toast if I hadn’t happened along. How he had even made it that far without getting slaughtered was a mystery, but I was glad for it. That one chance encounter changed my online life, and Neil’s as well, I guess.
He shakes his head with a sigh. “And to think, I almost didn’t go to the club the other night. If you hadn’t talked me into it, I would have stayed home. We would never have met for real.”
I take his bandaged hand into mine, running a finger along the folds of the wrap. “You would never have gotten hurt.”