Page 39 of Call Me Bunny
I rub my temples as I look at the mess in front of me. Neil’s former coworker had a face at one point, I’m pretty sure of that, but whatever Bunny did to get him out of his apartment, it beat him to a pulp. I’d have to run a scan to confirm the extent of the brain damage—which I can’t do here—but regardless, I’m pretty sure he’s useless to us now.
“And you say you never punched him, Bun?”
She sucks on one of Keys’ lollipops and shakes her head. “Nuh-uh. I grabbed his throat, thumped his head on the wall, and shoved him in that bag, but I never hit him.”
Kendrick stands off to the side in a pose similar to mine. “Bunny, when you took him out of his apartment, did you use the elevator to get him downstairs?”
Bunny rolls her eyes. “As if I’m gonna risk getting caught that way! Someone could’ve seen us. No, I took the stairs. All four flights of ‘em.” She peers around Kendrick at the moaning man on my table. “He just needs, like, an ice pack, right?”
I draw up some sedative to make the dying man more comfortable in his final moments and inject it in his I.V. Better that he doesn’t suffer too much more.
“Bunny, hon, did you lift the bag off the floor when you were carrying him downstairs?”
She shrugs. “Nah. Faster to drag him, plus I didn’t want to yank my stitches.” She bounces on her heels with a grin. “Aren’t you proud of me? I didn’t hurt my arm at all tonight!”
My gloves snap as I pull them off with a sigh. “No, you didn’t, did you?”
Bunny beams and trots off down the hall with a shaking Neil in tow. He hugs his laptop, which didn’t fare much better than Justin on the trip down the stairs, to his chest as they wander away. The poor guy isn’t used to seeing the aftereffects of getting on Bunny’s wrong side, especially not on people he knows, and I bet she’s his first sociopathic girlfriend.
If he sticks around after this, Kendrick’s never going to be rid of him.
“Fuck.” Kendrick pulls a sheet over Justin’s face when the monitor flatlines. “Sometimes even I forget how savage she is.”
“Don’t forget it too often,” I say as I turn off the monitor and start unhooking probes and tubes. “Any man who forgets Bunny’s savagery is bound to end up like Justin here. It’s not that she’s necessarily mean or cruel; she just doesn’t understand. Those subtle nuances of interacting with the rest of humanity are lost on her.”
“Yeah, I know.” Kendrick leans against the counter and rubs his eyes. “I know. And one of these days, we’re going to have to deal with that.”
I wrap my arms around him and rest my head against his shoulder. “We’re in it so thick, there’s never going to be any ‘dealing with that.’ We’re just going to have to face the music for our part in not stopping her.”
“Do we at least get credit for mitigating the damage?”
I chuckle and give him a squeeze. “Maybe in the afterlife.”
Kendrick kisses my forehead. “Go get some sleep. I’ll clean up here.”
I trudge down to the elevator and ride up to the dormitory floor. When I get there, I catch Bunny leading Neil into Keys’ room. No need to wonder what’s happening there. Bunny’s solution to anything upsetting is always the same, and with the way Keys and Neil can’t keep their hands off each other lately, I can’t say I’m surprised.
The old door bounces open a few inches when Bunny tries to slam it shut, and my curiosity gets the better of me. I’ve never really gotten to see what it’s like when Kendrick, Bunny, and I are together—no mirrors in our special room—and I’ll have to admit, I’ve always had a bit of a voyeuristic side to me. I get a thrill from watching, and this is sure to be one hell of a show. I sneak up to the cracked door and peer through the opening as Bunny and Keys tag-team Neil to strip him of his clothes.
Keys crouches next to Neil as he pulls his pants down, and when Neil’s pierced cock pops out of his boxers, Keys doesn’t waste a moment. His full mouth latches onto Neil’s dick, and he goes to town while Bunny and Neil make out. His signature lollipop sits discarded on the floor, and I make a mental note to sneak in and clean the sticky spot later, before any ants get in.
I slide my hand down my pants to start working my own shaft while I watch. I bite my lip to keep from moaning as Neil grabs a fistful of Keys’ hair and starts thrusting into him as he and Bunny kiss. There’s something incredibly hot about watching Neil fuck Keys’ face, and from the way Keys pumps his dick with his fist while he sucks Neil, I’d say he thinks it’s hot, too. Bunny runs her fingers through Keys’ hair and helps guide his head to bob on Neil’s cock. Keys has Neil almost completely sheathed down his throat, swallowing him so deep that I can see the bulge in his neck with each thrust.
Bunny’s next words almost make me come right then and there.
“I wanna ride you while you ride Keys. How does that sound, baby?”
Neil shudders and falters in his pumping, and Keys swallows rapidly to catch it all. Despite his efforts, a thick trail of cum runs down his chin, and Bunny bends down to lick it clean for him, ending at his mouth with a kiss that curls even my toes.
Being the Domme that she is, Bunny orders Keys to sit on the edge of the bed and lie back. She opens the bedside drawer and pulls out some lube. A tangy cherry scent fills the air, and she preps both Keys’ dick and Neil’s ass while nuzzling and kissing Neil’s neck. He gasps as her slender fingers enter him, but his shock is quickly replaced with lust. Bunny knows what she’s doing, and even if this is Neil’s first time having sex with Keys, her presence is sure to calm any nervousness he might have about the event.
“Take it easy when you sit on him, baby,” she purrs in Neil’s ear. “This will help, but you have to go slow. Don’t just start hard and fast. Go slow. C’mon. Get up there. There you go. Good boy, Neil. Nice and easy …”
Bunny’s voice is hypnotic as she instructs Neil on what to do. I watch as he inches down onto Key’s thick cock, bit by bit, until he’s finally sitting right on Keys’ lap, facing Bunny. Keys runs his fingers along Neil’s hips, and Neil’s dick throbs in response.
I expect Bunny to face Neil for this, but instead, as soon as she confirms his readiness, she lubes him and climbs up, sitting reverse-cowgirl style on his lap.
When Bunny catches my gaze through the door and winks at me, I realize she’s known I was here the whole time. Hell, she might well have let the door pop back open on purpose. I guess our little Bun has an exhibitionist side to her as well, something I have no shame taking advantage of.