Page 7 of Call Me Bunny
Why does she have to wear the getup and dye her hair? That crazy girl’s got a death wish or something.
As if he’s reading my mind, Doc puts a hand over mine and squeezes it. His words echo my thoughts.
“You know her trauma better than most. She deals with it the way she knows how, the way that works for her. Some people go to therapy or get a cat. Bunny dresses up and plays superhero. She looks after the less fortunate and kicks the ass of anyone who messes with them. Where would any of us be without her? I’ll tell you: You’d still be risking your life in underground fighting rings, Keys would be rotting in a Club Fed prison, and I’d be dead in a gutter of an overdose. We each owe Bunny in some way. Who are we to begrudge her another, ahem,friend.”
A deep groan rumbles in my throat. “Shit, he’s really here to stay?”
Doc reaches out with his other hand to stroke my bearded cheek. “Hey. One thing at a time. Let’s just focus on healing the patient, then we’ll worry about whether or not he’s joining the club.”
I cover his hand with mine and hold it, turning to kiss his palm. “How do you always know what to say?”
He cracks a crooked grin. “I did a psych rotation in my residency.”
“You were stoned on fentanyl for your psych rotation,” I say, returning the grin.
“Hey,youtry sitting through some of that Freudian bullshit while sober! I probably learned more stoned than I ever would have if I’d been playing it straight.”
We share a laugh, and I marvel that any of us are even able to laugh after what we’ve been through.
“Speaking of playing straight …” I say. I lean forward, grabbing a handful of Doc’s dreads, and pull him to me. I smash a bruising kiss to his full lips, eliciting a moan. Our tongues tangle for a few moments before I pull back. “Keys and Bunny had their fun. You and I should take a turn.”
With my hand still gripping his hair, I whisper explicit instructions to Doc, who freezes until I release enough for him to nod.
“You get all that, Jefferson?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good boy. I’ll meet you in our room in twenty minutes. Be ready.”
Back at my bed, I grab a few things myself. Studded fingerless leather gloves, leather eye mask, black leather chaps … Sensing a theme? Once I’m geared up, I stomp down the hall in my combat boots, heading for the room reserved for my one-on-one time with Doc or Bunny.
Like the good boy he is, Doc’s ready and waiting for me. He straddles a worn sawhorse with a padded leather saddle mounted on it, naked as the day he was born, and on the small table next to him is an assortment of necessary items:
Ball gag. Lube. Rope. Paddles of various sizes.
I walk around Doc in a slow circle, surveying the scene. He sits perfectly still, shoulders back, chest out, hands held loosely behind his back—and dick at the ready. Picking up the gag, I move towards him with slow steps.
“What’s our safe song tonight, Jefferson?”
He hums a few notes ofOh! Suzanna.
“Good.” I slip the ball into his mouth, cinching the strap of the gag before buckling it on. “I’ll remember that.”
Next I pick up the rope and bind his wrists behind him, wrapping the rope around his chest, neck, and shoulders in an elaborate pattern, making twists and knots as needed until I’m sure he’s not going anywhere until I let him. I instruct him to snap his fingers, testing to make sure I haven’t tied his wrists too tight or cut off the circulation. Snapping is the other safety signal, just in case he can’t get enough air to hum.
I take another couple ropes and give his legs and ankles the same treatment, securing them to the sides of the sawhorse and saddle. Doc moans when I tighten the last knot, and his dick twitches in anticipation.
Not that I blame him. Mine’s ready as well. Just the sight of him all tied up and waiting for me is enough to spark something primal inside. I let a low growl rumble my chest and throat as I pace in circles around him, checking my work. Sweat beads on his forehead and chest, and saliva drips down his chin, but he doesn’t move.
I haven’t told him he can.
Finally, when I’m satisfied that he’s behaving, I slide behind him on the saddle. My cock rests in the crack between his ass cheeks, and the barest of shudders ripples through him.
The dynamic between me and Doc is different than me and Bunny, even though I’m in charge no matter who’s in here with me. With Doc, Bunny and I take turns dominating because heneedsthe control, needs someone to tell him what to do, needs that structure. Otherwise, he’d be heading right back to the drugs that we got him clean from.
Now, Bunny’s a whole ‘nother animal.Shegets dominated because if I don’t, we’d never be able to reel her in. We learned early on that Bunny plus free reign equals catastrophe; at least one person has to be on the top of the totem pole, and it can’t be her. I give her a few concessions here and there, like allowing Keys to stay with us, having her own Domme time with Doc, or taking in this new stray, but overall, Bunny listens to me.
Doc whimpers, bringing me back to the here and now. I push thoughts of Bunny to the back of my mind to focus on the man in front of me.