Page 10 of Mistaking Stone
Chapter Six
“I’m going to get herback,” Turner Arlington says into the phone the following morning.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, brother.Loud and clear.I’ll get Bree back if it’s the last thing I ever do.”Turner slams the phone down, the sound almost deafening in my ear.
I haven’t seen my brother since the night at the casino, and for his sake, I hope he continues to stay away.Because I can’t promise what might happen should he show his ugly face.
Another bookie called earlier in the week looking for him, and I’d stupidly wired the money to take care of the debt he owed.Who knows how many more people were looking for him, but I was tired of trying to protect the Arlington name.My father would roll over in his grave if he knew Turner was still up to his old ways.
Despite him not having access to his portion of the business until he’s older, my other brother, Beau, and I have contemplated buying out Turner’s portion, to protect what we’ve worked so hard to maintain.In fact, our legal team is looking into it now, given Turner’s money crisis.Of course, he’ll probably piss his portion away, if we can indeed make it happen, but in the long run, it’ll be worth it to us.Such a loser, such a fuck-up, not to realize his net worth.
Not to disrespect our mother in any way, but I’ve often wondered if we even shared the same father.Had she done something on the sly, and this was the family’s punishment?She loved our father, but Turner had been a nuisance for many years and a thorn in everyone’s side.
My phone rings again and I snatch it up.“What the fuck do you want now?”I spew into the receiver, without properly answering.
“Mr.Arlington, are you okay?”my secretary, Ruthie, asks.
I feel my face redden from embarrassment.I never lose my cool unless it involves Turner.
“Ruthie, I’m sorry.I thought you were Turner calling back.”I rub my hands over my eyes, praying my blood pressure returns to normal soon.“Please, hold any calls from him. Also, can you rearrange my schedule for the rest of the afternoon?I’d like to get out of here early if I can.”
“I can take care of that for you, but you do have a visitor here now.Would you like for me to go ahead and send her in?”Ruthie was my father’s personal assistant before he’s passed, and I’d done everything in my power to convince her to stay onboard with us, despite the impact his death had on her.After some restructuring, she’d finally agreed to work for me, and damn it, I’d do whatever I could to keep her.
“Her?”I pull out my top drawer and glance at the list of today’s appointments.I couldn’t recall a single one involving a woman, but it was possible I’d overlooked one.“Sure.Give me a few minutes to clear off my desk.”
I look up to see Bree walk through the door seconds later.When she turns around to secure the lock, a smile slowly creeps up on my face.My God, she’s the best damn girlfriend.
“Wow!”The word rolls off my tongue as I take in what she’s wearing.A strapless navy halter, white see-thru skirt that barely covers the cheeks of her ass—it’s flattering and sexy as hell.“I can’t believe security let you in the building.”
I stand up to meet her, but my dick has other plans.I push my cock to the side—I don’t even know why I bother wearing boxers anymore, since this damn thing has a mind of its own.
“Trouble?”she inquires and runs her hand over my bulge.
“Nothing that can’t be fixed.”