Page 13 of Mistaking Stone
He turns toward my voice, the bottle meeting him squarely in the face.Blood pours from his nose and mouth and he buckles to the ground landing in the pool of broken glass.
“Run, Bree.Get out of here,” I shout.
I begin to kick Turner in his side, then in his groin.Over and over, I kick him with every bit of strength I have in me.
If he lives through this beating, it’ll be a miracle.The sick fucker should know better!Don’t ever fuck with Stone Arlington.
I feel a set of arms pull me away, but I’m not done beating him to a pulp.“I hope you die, you piece of shit.How dare you to think you could pull a stunt like this.She’s mine now and you will not destroy what we have.Do you hear me?Do you fucking hear me?”
“You’re going to kill him,” Bree exclaims.“Stone, you need to stop it before he dies.”
I turn to her and embrace her as tight as I can.“I’m so sorry he hurt you.He’ll never do this again.I promise.He’ll never lay a hand on you again.”
Tears stream down her cheeks as she trembles in my arms.
I turn towards Turner, then spit on him.“Fuck you, Turner Arlington.Fuck.You.”
Chapter Eight
Ilean down and scoopBree into my arms, bringing her tightly against my chest.I am appalled that my brother would go to such lengths to seek revenge.
I carry her up the stairs and carefully lay her in my bed.She rolls over on her side, unable to meet my gaze.
“We should go to the clinic and have you examined, baby,” I whisper into her ear.Wrapping my arm around her waist, I press my head to her back and begin to tremble.
Her silence unnerves me and finally, I reach up and turn her body so that I’m able to look into her eyes.“This will never happen again,” I assure her.“Never.Do you hear me?”
Tears begin to escape her eyes and it pains me seeing what this has done to her.“It’s not your fault, Stone,” she says barely above a whisper.
“How can I ever make love to you, knowing my brother—”
“Stop!”she exclaims.“Can we just pretend it never happened?”
As much as I’d like to, I don’t think I’ll ever forget seeing Turner’s dick penetrate her.The way her body jerked, thinking it was me.It happened so quickly, yet I couldn’t get to her fast enough.
I couldn’t save her.