Page 8 of Mistaking Stone
Chapter Five
“You look stunning.”I lower my shades to get a better look at the gorgeous woman who just got into my car.Though I’d insisted on actually going up to the door and escorting her to my car—like a real man should do—she was persistent I wait in the car for her.“I thought your roommate knew about us.”
“Doreen isn’t the one I’m worried about,” Bree admits and reaches for my hand.
I hesitate to leave in case there’s something or someone I need to address in person.Things have been going too damn good for us these last few days for someone to fuck things up now.
“Baby, navy blue is definitely your color.”I lift her hand, the gold bangle I’d surprised her with a few nights ago dangling from her wrist, and gently press my lips against her buttery-soft skin.“And the way you did your hair tonight.”I brush the back of my hand across her cheek.Only a slight discoloration remains above her left eye, so faint you can hardly see it anymore.I’d still like to get my hands on that brother of mine.And I will when the time is right.Then I’ll thank him for the woman sitting beside me.Because she’s all mine.
Looking down at her chest, she sighs.“Hopefully, no one will notice.”
“Notice?Honey, I’ve told you what your tits do to me.Did you forget that I came all over them just yesterday?Sliding my cock between them, feeling your lips on my head when I poked through the’s no wonder I lost all control.”I reach down and adjust my dick.Lord knows, I don’t need any stains on my trousers this early in the evening.
Though I’d wanted to cum in her mouth, I’d spewed from my tip before I could reach her mouth.She’d even stuck her tongue out to catch some of the milky substance, but with her hands tied behind her back with the tie I’d worn to work that day, we were both too drunk on each other’s pleasure.Cum ran between her breasts and pooled in her naval.The most she could do was shove her titties together and watch me come unglued.She writhed her legs and twisted her hips, but the tie wasn’t coming off until I was ready to remove it.
Taking turns with each nipple, I’d lapped each one like a milk-drunk baby.Standing pert and pretty, I’d sucked on one so hard, it was beet-red and raw.And the other one, I couldn’t stop myself from biting it til it almost bled.Then, when she’d pulled her legs up to her chest, exposing her anus, all I could think about was shoving my dick inside of it again.Talk about being tight and warm.She squeezed her hole a few times, teasing me, no, inviting me to go there again.So I did.Her juices ran down between her legs and I’d been forced to change the bed linens at two o’clock in the morning.
Bree was so damn sexy, small tits and all.
I found myself begging to see that pretty pussy of hers more and more.We’d found a high that neither wanted to come down from.Always pushing each other, discovering new things to take us to the edge.I don’t want to say she was kinky, but Bree was always up for trying new things, especially when it involved sex.If it would fit, why not?
We’d even had the talk about knowing the difference between making love and having sex.Fucking was something I could do at the drop of a hat, but falling asleep with my arms wrapped around her and my dick still hard as a rock inside her pussy was priceless.Now that was love!
“Maybe if I keep pulling it up,” she says and tugs at the dress.
“Do you love me?”I blurt.I’m not sure where that came from all of a sudden, but sometimes I lacked confidence just like she did.After all, there was nearly twenty years difference in our ages.
“Stone,” she says and lowers her hands to her lap.Our gazes meet simultaneously and we lean over to kiss.
“You don’t have to answer that.It’s just...I love every square inch of you.I put that bruise on your breast and damn it, I’m proud of it.I don’t care if your dress dips a little too far and someone sees it, that bruise is all mine.And so are you.”
“I love you, baby,” she says and laces her fingers through mine.
I knew the moment Kirkland Thomas laid eyes on Bree before dinner, he’d do his best to put the moves on her.It’s not the first time he’s hit on someone’s spouse and it probably won’t be the last.But God-dammit, to do it with me in earshot...he was a sick fucker.
“I’m sorry, Mr.Thomas, but I’m spoken for,” Bree said a little too loudly.Loud enough for me to hear and come to her rescue.
“Would you be interested know...entertaining more than one partner then?”he’d asked Bree a second time, while his wife was freshening up in the bathroom.