Page 39 of Bonded By Blood
Joe anchored his hands on Brianna’s perfect ass and shifted his weight. “Then get up here.”
She laughed again and offered no resistance as he hauled her up and onto his lap. The skirt of her dress landed, bunched up, between them. Brianna quickly gathered up the material and shifted it as out of the way as possible, then pushed up to her knees and buried both hands deep in Joe’s hair. Her penetrating stare locked onto his, she whispered, “Hurry, Joe. Before I remember to feel guilty for enjoying myself in the middle of a crisis.”
“Isn’t that exactly when you should?” To make his point, he dug his fingers into the fleshy cheeks of her ass and tugged her down, simultaneously lifting his hips up.
Brianna threw her head back on a long, luxurious moan as his aching cock finally filled her. She gripped his hair tight, her pussy pulsating around his dick, and he groaned. God, she was a sight—and she felt even better.
Joe allowed himself a long second to simply enjoy the view of her straddling him in her pretty dress, hair mostly loose, before his more primal instincts took over and he began moving. He bucked his hips and gave her ass a squeeze before letting his hands wander, wanting to touch more of her creamy skin. She was so soft and smooth she almost seemed like she shouldn’t be real. He’d discovered as much the last time, but the reality of touching her hadn’t lost its wonder.
Brianna gasped his name and leaned in, skimming her lips over his face and along his throat. “Yes!”
Joe nipped at her lower lip when she brought it close again, removing one hand from her skin in favor of losing it in her hair and holding her tight against his chest. He swallowed her resulting moan, thrusting his hips up repeatedly. He could feel the pressure building inside him, he just needed to get her there, too. Judging from the way she was rocking against him, and the urgency of her kiss, he could do it. “Come with me, Bri,” he whispered, his voice thick with lust.
She responded by rolling into his next thrust, practically rubbing herself along the length of his cock. He grabbed her tight and snapped his hips forward again, burying himself inside her as he finally burst. But that was enough. She shuddered around him and cried out her own ecstasy, the sound sweet music to his ears.
“So, how’re things with Joe?”
Brianna couldn’t quite read the curiosity in Kendall’s voice through the phone, and that unsettled her more than it should have. Though, in truth, most of Kendall’s tendencies did that. Still, Brianna was careful to keep her own voice calm and hopefully neutral when she spoke. She was glad that Kendall seemed to like Joe, but she had no intentions of sharing the personal details of the budding relationship. “Going well, all things considered. I suppose it’s fortunate he already had an impression of us while he was human, though. We’re certainly not putting our best foot forward, as they say. But I think he’s handling everything well.” Even the things he shouldn’t have had to, like blindsiding his werewolf friends with the reality of his transformation.
Kendall hummed, and though the sound could have been mistaken as distracted, Brianna knew better.
Brianna’s grip tightened on her phone. “What is it?” If something had happened—
“I mean, it’s good that he’s adjusting well,” Kendall said. “But c’mon, Bri, that’s not what I was asking about.”
Brianna let out a breath and relaxed her grip. She leaned into the high-backed chair, her favorite in the library, and glanced reflexively toward the closed door. For the moment she was alone. It hadn’t been her first choice, but she couldn’t coddle Joe and expect her staff to trust him—or him them—so she’d relented. Now she was grateful. “Kendall, that sort of talk is—”
“Okay, first off,” Kendall cut in, the tone in her voice assuring Brianna she was rolling her eyes, “you’re almost sounding your age all of a sudden. Stop that. Second, you can’t expect me not to ask. You haven’t dated anyone in all the years I’ve known you!”
Brianna scrunched her lips to one side, pinching restlessly at the fabric of her skirt with her free hand. “I’m not sure we are … ‘dating’.” She didn’t like that word. Not for any good reason. Simply that, quite without warning, she was feeling insecure and that word seemed like a screaming spotlight aimed right at her.
“Well, it’s either that or you’re ‘friends with benies,’ and you’re way too respectable a lady to play that game in my opinion,” Kendall said. “So you’re dating. Everything else you do is at least a little unconventional, too, so how outrageous a concept is it really?”
Physically wincing, Brianna glanced sidelong at the slim device in her hand. “Kendall, please, never say that again.”
“Which part?” The grin in Kendall’s voice was so apparent Brianna could picture it without effort.
“That atrocious slang word you just used,” Brianna replied. “I know for a fact you’re better educated than that.”
Kendall laughed. “God, I wish I could see your face, though. Maybe I should’ve saved it for an in-person conversation.” She took a breath, as if containing herself. “But seriously, how are you and Joe? I know I’m teasing, but the curiosity’s genuine.”
Brianna closed her eyes and let a smile curve her lips. It had only been a couple of hours since their romp in the small break room. Part of her felt as if she were still tingling, part of her felt as if she were starved. She couldn’t say something like that, though. “We’re also well,” she said instead. “The truth is, it’s been a lot more than fifteen years since I’ve let myself get close to a man like this, so I don’t entirely know what I’m doing.”
Rustling, and the muted squeak of furniture coils, told Brianna that Kendall had shifted her weight to get more comfortable. “I mean, to some degree I’d say that’s normal, Bri. Congratulations.” She paused for a couple of seconds. “But if Joe’s being pushy or anything, I’ll come give him a piece of—”
Brianna interrupted her with an unintentional laugh. She clamped her free hand over her mouth, sucked a breath in through her nose, and finally said, “No, Kendall. It’s nothing like that. It’s me. I’m a little…” She swallowed. “Insecure, I guess.”
Kendall was quiet for several beats, only the sound of her calm breathing assuring Brianna she was still there. Finally, she said, “If he makes you happy, then embrace it. Even if it’s just for a few days—or weeks, or whatever. It doesn’t have to be forever to be worth it, right?”
Brianna smiled. She recognized those words. She’d said them, or a variation of them, to Kendall after Kendall’s first break-up. They’d just popped up in her head, and some part of her had questioned the honesty of them, but she’d said them because they sounded good and Kendall had needed some positive reinforcement. But maybe she’d been right back then.
Another, quieter, laugh in her voice, Kendall teased, “See? I listen sometimes.”
Brianna responded with a soft laugh of her own. “So you do.” The sound of light, approaching footfalls drew her attention back toward the door. “I hate to cut this short, but it seems I have to go. Stay safe, Kendall.”
“Says the woman living with the traitor,” Kendall replied.