Page 65 of Bonded By Blood
Chapter Seventeen
The Slayer named Colt arched a dark brow as he came to a stop a handful of paces away from them. “Three people? Not sure if I’m flattered or insulted.”
“You’re alive,” Jasen said roughly. “Be grateful for that. There are things we need to discuss, but not here.”
Joe caught the flicker of disapproval that flashed through Colt’s eyes, but to the Slayer’s credit, he didn’t argue or challenge Jasen.
He tucked his hands into his jacket pockets and said, “Wherever you’re comfortable with, then.”
Jasen inclined his head and twisted around. “Pearce, bring up the rear. Keep watch.”
Joe fought the urge to shake his head. “Sure.” They weren’t some military convoy, but if that was how Jasen wanted to run things, who was he to argue? They would be stupid to let Colt hang back, and he was supposed to be keeping watch on Kendall. From that perspective, falling in last made a certain amount of sense.
Kendall moved up beside Joe, her hands clasped behind her back. She never took her eyes off Colt, walking ahead of them, but kept her voice hushed. “All of a sudden, I can’t believe this is really happening.”
Joe’s lips twitched. “All of a sudden? It didn’t feel so real while you were, maybe, driving down here?”
“Aren’t you the comedian,” Kendall returned. She flashed him a big, disarming smile that set off warning bells in his head. “I’m gonna say hello to the new guy now.”
Why did he think that was a bad idea? “Kend—” But he’d barely lifted his hand to reach for her and she was already stepping ahead of him.
“Hi there,” she said to Colt as she moved into his personal space. She reached one hand around, enough that Joe could see it between them. “I’m Kendall. Thanks for coming.”
Colt’s head turned, slightly, in acknowledgment of her presence beside him.
Ahead of them, Jasen stopped, just a couple of feet shy of the sliding doors. “Take her home.”
Kendall drew a sharp breath. “Excuse me? Did you forget I drove myself here and I’m completely capable of driving myself back? When I choose?”
No. This was more than just Jasen being annoyed, Joe realized. Something was wrong.
Colt let out a breath and removed his hands from his pockets. “I’m gonna assume the guys outside hoping to jump me aren’t the ones I’m here for?”
Kendall twisted partially back toward Colt. “Say what?”
Damn. Joe moved forward and laid a hand on Kendall’s outer shoulder. “Come on, let’s go. They can handle themselves.”
Kendall jerked back. “No. I’m not some fragile doll that has to be kept on a shelf all the damn time.”
Joe frowned at her, but it was Colt who spoke. “You might as well be.”
Her eyes widened and she looked back at him.
Colt’s expression was firm, unyielding. “It takes a hell of a lot more than guts to stand up to something strong enough to break you with its pinky finger. Maybe you could get lucky once. Maybe your spunk could catch one vampire or wolf off guard long enough for you to win—or escape. But you won’t find that kind of luck against three at once.” He gestured toward the sliding doors. “You go out there standing next to me, you won’t even see the one that gets you.”
“That’s rude. And presumptive,” Kendall replied. But her tone had lost a noticeable amount of fire.
Jasen turned fully around. “We’re wasting time. Do not make me repeat myself.”
Joe watched Kendall look between Jasen and Colt. He could only guess at what she was thinking. He suspected part of the order to keep watch over Kendall had been meant as instruction to protect her from herself if necessary, and it was starting to look necessary. Joe wrapped his arm entirely around Kendall’s shoulders and quietly said, “Anything you wanted to say, you can say later. Right now, we need to go.”
She made a face, still obviously against the idea on principle. “Isn’t it dangerous?”
“Not if we go first, by ourselves.” He was making a bet, but if he was wrong, he could still protect Kendall long enough for Jasen to make it through the doors. It was worth the risk.
Joe guided Kendall forward without another word—though she did shoot a dramatic scowl at Jasen—and he took a mental breath as the doors swished open for them. If they were right, and the vampires outside were in fact waiting to ambush the Slayer, then they’d see that he wasn’t walking with them and hold their positions. If the vampires had brains, they might even recognize her and that, at least, would stay their proverbial hand. The fact that they were willing to try a stunt like this, at an airport and with Jasen just inside, though, was enough to make him cautious.
Kendall looked around when they stepped onto the walkway, as subtle as a neon sign.