Page 78 of Bonded By Blood
The ache in her side was a slowly-dulling reminder of exactly how out of her element she was in a physical fight. Original or not, she’d never taken to violence. Violence only lent itself to more violence and she wanted nothing to do with that, so she’d done her best to lead a peaceful life. It was a decision that was working against her now that the strength of her literal breed was necessary. In just one move, Boris had nearly ripped out her liver. The rush of the pain had caused her to blackout for a second or three, and if it weren’t for Jasen and Adrian she’d surely have lost her head. Or her heart.
The word jolted awareness into Brianna and her eyes widened. She dared a careful glance up at her lover, but he didn’t seem to notice the subtle movement. He was focused on his task, and that was fine. Better, even.
“Just so you know, I’m doing this because I love you.”
Brianna curled her fingers into his shirt as her mouth went dry. She’d barely begun to process his declaration before he’d made his intention clear, and then the Alpha wolf had arrived and she’d become distracted. The rush of the air around her had allowed her to slip into reflection, but there was something she hadn’t thought about. Possibly on purpose.
Joe had declared his love for her.
He’d said it so simply, so directly, that it was almost easy. It was certainly easy to believe he meant it, but accepting his feelings was something else altogether. Love was … complicated. She’d been devastated from heartbreak in the past. Betrayed, attacked, even villainized. Previous lovers had spoken flowery words, accepted her in their beds, and the nighttime hours of their lives. What she hadn’t realized in time was that, always, their love had limits. Their love wasn’t true love at all.
Joe slowed down and Brianna realized he’d made it all the way back to the mansion.
She took a breath and processed the familiar scents that filled her longtime home. A sense of comfort filled her, further easing the pain in her side. She glanced up again, at the determined jaw above her, and another realization whispered across her mind. Joe wasn’t like any man she’d had in her life before. He didn’t think like them, prioritize like them, react like them. He didn’t treat her the way they had.
Had any of her previous loves ever said they loved her first?
“Finally.” Trista’s muttered exclamation was practically drowned out by Kendall’s, but she projected her voice when she continued. “You, bring her blood. And it’ll be your head if it’s poisoned. Run!”
Joe had stopped moving entirely sometime during Trista’s speech, but instead of setting Brianna down, he knelt. Only then did she realize he’d moved all the way to one of the sofas, and it seemed his intent was to lay her upon it.
Kendall leaned over his shoulder. “Oh my God, she’s hurt…” Her hazel eyes were wide and already lined with red. The redness was likely explained by the tear stains on her cheeks, which were fresh enough they still smelled faintly of salt.
Brianna forced her face to soften and move in the direction of a smile, at least a small one. She did her best to look between Kendall and Joe as he settled her on the couch. “It’s not as bad as it looks, I promise.” It had been, though, and she’d really rather Kendall not see the nasty tear in her dress. The blood stain could be explained by way of absorption, but the fabric itself would give away how bad the initial wound had been.
Kendall swallowed hard. “There’s … a lot of blood on your dress.” Her voice wavered, just a bit.
Joe straightened and settled a hand on Kendall’s shoulder. “She’ll be fine, Kendall,” he said gently.
Brianna smiled again, with less effort. He was really good with her, wasn’t he?
Kendall swatted his hand away and narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m still mad at you.” She elbowed her way in front of him and practically fell on Brianna. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! You only came out there to protect me and now you’re injured and it’s my fault!”
“Kendall,” Brianna started, attempting to embrace her with the arm she was willing to move.
Trista pulled Kendall away with a hand tucked under her arm. “At least let her heal up before you clobber her, Kendall. Mind yourself.” She released Kendall a couple of feet away and waved an arm out toward Joe. “You should also reconcile your anger with him. Whatever that looks like. But not now, and not in my space.”
All at once Brianna remembered the conversation she’d previously had with her mother regarding Kendall. She wondered if her mother had made good on her vow to apologize, or if she’d decided Kendall’s subsequent behavior had made the need for an apology moot. Part of her wanted to ask, but she couldn’t ask with Kendall in the room. And, regardless, there were more pressing things to discuss.
Two pairs of scurrying footsteps, one of them accompanied by a healthy pulse, drew Brianna’s attention.
Joe and Trista both turned as well.
“My Queen!” The male voice belonged to one of her advisors, and definitely was not the source of the beating heart. “I thought, just to be safe—”
“My schedule got messed up.” This voice was female, and human. “I was supposed to donate today, but got skipped. Please, allow me to feed the Princess.”
Brianna closed her eyes. She generally preferred her meals in a glass now that she had the luxury. But necessity sometimes overrode such options, she supposed.
“Very well,” Trista said.
Joe moved the cushion-topped ottoman closer, presumably for the woman’s comfort.
“Ew,” Kendall said. “Can I skip this part, please? I promise I won’t leave the property.”
Trista waved a hand at her. “Make yourself useful and fetch a clean dress for Brianna before you return.”